Once you’ve created a task in Kuta Software, you can re-generate all of your questions with just one click. This functionality is at the heart of our software and that’s what makes it so powerful: you choose the properties of the questions, not the questions themselves. How it works. You can rebuild entire assignments, groups of individual questions, or individual questions.
Easy spacing
Re-space the entire task to the desired length with just one click. Give your students enough space to display their work by increasing the space. Or you can save paper by reducing the spacing.
The spacing can also be controlled manually.
Presentation mode
Very useful as a teaching aid when used in combination with an LCD projector or other display system.
Use this function during teaching. Prepare your examples with the software, then use a projector to display the questions on the board. With a question displayed, you can:
- Change the zoom level so that students in the back can read it.
- Draw lines next to the question to help organize your work if you solve it.
- Move on to another question – useful when reviewing homework.
- Reveal the answer
- Show / hide question number and instructions.
Printing multiple versions
Print multiple versions of a job. You control how each new version is created: shuffle options, shuffle questions, or ask entirely new questions. You can also save each new version after it is created.
Scale assignment
Increase or decrease the number of questions in the task proportionally. You can create a few questions to use as examples and then increase the number of questions to create an assignment. The homework questions will be entirely new, but they will flow precisely from the lesson and you do not need to rewrite the questions.
Export questions
Export the questions as bitmaps and paste them into your favorite word processing software. Questions created with our products can be added to existing assignments you created with other programs. Or you can refresh old tasks by replacing old questions with new ones.
All questions are available for export.
Good multiple choice questions
Each question you create can be toggled between free-response and multiple-choice formats. Multiple choice questions come with smart and potentially misleading choices. Some are based on common mistakes made by students, while others are just random, but close to the correct answer.
You control the number of options for each question, from two to five.
Merge assignments
Merge two or more homework into one. Easily create quizzes, tests, and assessments by merging unit assignments, then tailoring the total to an appropriate length. The questions will be new and will follow exactly what you have taught.
Diagrams drawn to scale
All patterns are accurately plotted unless the answer is given. If an angle is labeled 30 °, then it really is 30 °. If the sides of a triangle are labeled 3, 4, and 5, then their lengths are actually in a 3: 4: 5 ratio. Displaying accurate diagrams helps students gain an intuitive understanding of angles and measurements.
Response format
Assignment Printing Methods
- On an answer sheet
- In the context (beside or in the question)
- No answer sheet
Graph paper and graphics utility
Complement your lessons with high quality graphics and graph paper of any size. Each graph can have zero to two functions represented on it. Graphics can be of any physical and logical size. You can also display tiled graphics across the entire page to maximize paper usage.
Personalized itineraries and personalized questions
Enter your own instructions for creating new problem types. On the left is a standard question on the order of operations which has been modified to be more analytical. You can change the instructions in any type of question.
Occasionally you will need to enter your own question. This is what the personalized questions are for. They can be free-answer or multiple-choice and can contain text in mathematical format (equations, expressions, etc.).
Edit automatically generated questions
Most of the automatically generate the questions can be edit manually. If there is an option you don’t like, you can change it. If you want a question to be slightly different, you can edit it
Paper size and margins
Print homework on any paper size supported by your printer. If you decide to print a job on Legal size paper, that’s okay. You also control the margins, page numbering and paper orientation.
Can I assign homework to specific students?
Yes, you can assign homework assignments to any number of students in the course with their own start and due dates, but this feature is only available through the web interface.
If you are posting an assignment from the desktop software and you don’t want to assign it to all students in the course:
- Post the assignment in your course without the start and due dates.
- Go to your course and open the Tasks tab.
- Click the Unassigned button to display the unassigned assignments.
- Click Settings or add student buttons to set dates and choose students.
If you’ve already posted the assignment, but haven’t added it to the class yet, you can add an existing assignment to your class and select which students will receive the assignment.
You can also open the list of students for the assignment and click the Add button to assign additional students.
Can I delete homework for specific students?
Yes, you can remove student homework by canceling the homework. This will remove the selected student’s homework (s) and all their answers.
A student, a duty
If you only need to delete an assignment for a student:
- Open the Results tab for your course.
- Right-click the student assignment cell for the assignment you want to delete.
- Select Unassign and Confirm.
- Several students or several assignments
- Open the student list for an assignment or the homework list for a student.
- Select the homework or students you want to delete.
- Click on the Actions button.
- Select Unassign and Confirm.
Can I change the dates after posting an assignment?
Yes, you can edit the dates of an assignment after it is posted to a course, as well as the dates for each student.
- Change default dates for all students
- You can change a start or end date by clicking on the date in the table.
- Change of dates for individual students
- Dates for individual students can be change from multiple locations.
- You can open the detail of the result and click on one of the dates in the header to modify the date.
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