9 Powerful Reasons to Get Rhinoplasty

Gone are the days when you had to live with a crooked or broken nose because there was no solution to fix this problem. People who did not like the shape of their noses had no other option but to adjust to what they have. The situation is quite different now. You can now alter the shape and size of your nose according to your choice by undergoing rhinoplasty surgery, commonly known as a nose job.
Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure that changes the aesthetics of your nose in a variety of ways. Many celebrities like Angelina Jolie have undergone rhinoplasty. This treatment offers a golden opportunity to people who are unhappy with their nose or facing difficulties in breathing due to nasal defects.
Reasons to Get Rhinoplasty
Enlisted below are nine good reasons to get rhinoplasty surgery.
To boost your confidence
The nose is a noticeable feature of your face that influences the overall facial appearance. Improving the appearance of the nose boosts your self-confidence greatly. You feel confident about yourself and feel good.
To breathe easily
Many people get rhinoplasty to get rid of difficulties in breathing caused due to nasal defects like a deviated septum. Rhinoplasty surgery corrects such structural defects and relieves you from breathing problems.
To correct a broken nose
If you have a broken nose due to an accident or injury, you can get it fixed through rhinoplasty. It is better to reshape your nose than cursing yourself. It will give you desirable results in a single surgery.
You don’t like the size of your nostrils
Another good reason to get rhinoplasty in Dubai is to change the size or shape of your nostrils. If you do not like the size of your nostrils because they are too large, opt for rhinoplasty as soon as possible.
You are not happy with your nose shape
Several people do not like the shape of their noses. They believe it is too wide or too narrow. Similarly, some people do not like the tip of their nose. Such people can undergo rhinoplasty surgery to alter the existing shape of their noses drastically.
There is a hump on your nose
One of the common reasons to get rhinoplasty surgery is to remove the hump on your nose. You don’t have to break the nose to get rid of the hump. This issue can be fixed just by filing the bone down and rhinoplasty can effectively achieve this goal.
You want to balance your facial features
Having a perfectly shaped and contoured nose improves the overall symmetry of your nose and balances your facial features.
You want to correct a crooked nose
There can be several reasons for having a crooked nose like an injury or genetics. The facial symmetry gets disturbed due to a crooked nose and makes you self-conscious. You can correct this defect with rhinoplasty surgery.
You want to look attractive
A perfect nose can make you look way more attractive than before. You just need to make a firm decision of getting nose job surgery.
What is Nose Surgery?
Nose surgery or rhinoplasty, as the name indicates, is a surgical procedure that eliminates the cosmetic and functional problems associated with your nose. Some of the common problems that compel patients to undergo nose surgery include;
Cosmetic Reasons
- The size of the nose
- The nose is too wide or narrow
- The bridge of the nose has a bump
- Hooked nasal tip
- Nose is upturned
- Nostrils are asymmetric
- Crooked nose
- Error in previously performed nose surgery
Functional/ Medical Reasons
- Deviated septum
- Obstruction in breathing
- Snoring problem
- Sleep apnea
Techniques to Perform Nose surgery
Rhinoplasty surgery is performed under the administration of general anesthesia and requires almost 2-3 hours. However, there are two techniques to perform nose surgery. One is closed rhinoplasty and the other is an open rhinoplasty. For closed rhinoplasty, the incisions are made inside the nose whereas, for open rhinoplasty, incisions are made outside the nose.
Are there any scars left?
Yes, nose surgery leaves scars since it is a surgical procedure. But the visibility of the scar can be reduced if the surgery is performed by an expert surgeon. The size, location, and visibility of the scar depends on a few factors which include;
- Which technique is used, open or closed rhinoplasty?
- How is the body healing?
- The expertise and technique of the surgeon
The Bottom Line
The reasons to get rhinoplasty surgery can be both medical and cosmetic. It is your personal choice whether you are opting for a nose job to look attractive or breathe easily. No matter what the reason is, always choose an expert surgeon for the procedure because it is a complex surgery and complications can occur due to negligence. You can achieve successful results only if your surgeon is certified and highly experienced. Never trust an inexperienced surgeon for the treatment.