How to protect your heart after recovering from Covid-19?

For people who have had Covid-19, covid-219 can complicate their recovery. Covid-19 mainly targets respiratory system. It has been reported that people suffering from covid-19 might suffer from heart problems even after recovering from the infection.
The damage caused by corona virus to the heart is temporary. But various have shown that post covid-19, patients suffer from long-lasting heart damage. The cells in the heat have angiotensin converting enzyme-2 receptors. These are present in the blood vessels of the heart. High level of inflammation also causes heart damage.
Covid-19 infection also affects the inner surfaces of veins and arteries which cause inflammation in blood vessels and also cause clotting in blood. This can compromise blood flow to the heart.
Even mild case of coronavirus could set you up for a heart disesase. Heart attack can be caused by increased stress on the heart due to shortness of breath, low blood oxygen level because heart muscles are not getting enough oxygen to pump blood, says renowned cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Ranjit Jagtap.
Covid-19 can expand your odds of getting coronary diseases and strokes. There are various clinical investigations to demonstrate that Covid-19 builds the inclination to frame blood clots. Indeed, even a long time subsequent to recovering from the disease, you are in danger of heart inconveniences.
According to Dr. Ranjit Jagtap News, various associations recommend to intake more calories by eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, nuts, legumes, and unsaturated vegetable oils.
If you have recently recovered from Covid-19, then it is important for you to pay attention to your heart health. Following are some tips to keep your heart healthy after recovering from Covid-19.
- Regular exercise can help reduce risk of getting a heart disease
For better heart health one should practice moderate physical activity at least for 150 minutes a week. It particularly helps in lowering ejection and reducing inflammation in Covid-19 patients.
Exercise helps ion strengthening heart muscles to pump more blood which leads to higher ejection fraction. It also helps in reducing chronic inflammation by6 adapting the challenge of physical activity.
Regular exercise also lower stress levels and helps in reducing cortisol, a stress hormone that put extra stress on your heart.
- Manage stress and anxiety
Issues like grief, loss of interest in activities, lack of energy, being unmotivated are the signs of stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety impact your blood pressure in short and long term basis both.
For managing stress, make mental health a priority and engage in physical activities. Try engaging yourself in meditation practices. You can also talk to mental health professional to reduce your stress and anxiety.
- Prevent clotting of blood
Covid-19 builds the coagulation of blood which implies you might have thickening complexities post Covid-19 even after a gentle disease. One might be at a risk of cardiovascular failure or stroke even a long time after their recovery. It is insightful to counsel a cardiologist and they might give you blood thinners that can forestall these entanglements.
- Eat healthy diet
Post your Covid-19 recovery burn-through a solid and adjusted eating routine. WHO suggests organic products, vegetables, entire grains, vegetables, and nuts for a sound heart. You should avoid unreasonably pungent dinners and bundled items which have high sodium content. Try not to crunch prepared food like chips, canned items. Have heaps of new organic products rather than desserts and treats.
Heart illness is the main source of death in adults. And keeping in mind that we don’t have overall authority over our heart wellbeing, eating a heart healthy diet routine can assist with bringing down our risk of coronary illness.
- Control your circulatory strain and glucose levels: High blood pressure is known to be a quiet executioner. It influences your heart without showing any significant side effects. Diabetes can likewise influence your veins and nerves that control your heart. It’s smarter to hold these levels under control.
Last yet not the least, you ought to stay away from tobacco and liquor assuming you need your heart to be sound in long haul. The utilization of liquor can build your odds of getting a cardiovascular infection. The destructive poisons in cigarettes can harm the heart and veins and can prompt respiratory failures and strokes.
Observing the guideline heart-sound way of life rules, eating healthy and practicing routinely is the most ideal way of ensuring your heart and lessen your danger of coronary illness.
Obviously, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t likewise be cautious with regards to hand washing, cover wearing, social separating, and other suggested activities that can diminish your danger of contracting and spreading the Covid.
Dr. Ranjit Jagtap is the founder of Ram mangal heart foundation and is the best cardiothoracic surgeon in Pune. He serves in various other hospitals as well like, Deenanath mangeshkar, Ruby Hall clinic, Jehangir hospital. He also owns his clinic in Pune where he serves to the poorest section of the society under the name of Dr Ranjit Jagtap clinic.