There are 5 tips to make your list positively

THere are 5 tips to make your list positively
Here are 5 tips to make your list positively work for you.
1. Take time to appreciate accomplishments
Add things you’ve already done.
There’s nothing better than seeing a load of ticked off tasks on your to-do lists, so when you’ve done really small things that you wouldn’t even consider writing down, Chocobo Names
do just that write them down and tick them off even if it’s as simple as taking out the rubbish. The little boost you’ll feel by seeing that tick will help motivate you to carry on.
2. Split up big tasks into doable pieces
Break big tasks down into little ones. You’ve got a huge report to do for work and it is sitting there on the top of the list in big black letters just mocking you.
Break it down into its parts, maybe start with the title. It may sound silly but it will help you to feel like you’re on top of the workload because you’ll be ticking things off a lot more frequently.
3. Reward yourself!
Give yourself rewards for each task. Build up your motivation by rewarding yourself for doing a horrible task by doing something you enjoy and write that reward on the list,
to remind yourself that something positive will come out of completing that task.
4. Keep a continuous list
Don’t start a new list. When you’ve got a million ticked-off things on the list already and you think I’ll just start a new one,
don’t! Keep all those accomplishments on the list as a reminder of what you’re capable of.
5. Prioritise
Don’t let the list rule you. There’s no need to complete the list in order,
you decide what’s important and what can wait till tomorrow. Prioritize your tasks so they work around you not the other way around.
To-do lists don’t have to act as a noose around your neck. Use these tips to turn yours into a positive addition that helps you organize your life and feel good about yourself.
Project WeHOPE’s Dignity on Wheels Initiative
Dignity On Wheels is a new initiative by Project WeHOPE, where the goal is to reach homeless adults throughout the San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties who otherwise cannot make it to a shelter or facility, and provide them opportunities to take a shower,
wash their clothes and perhaps receive some minor medical attention and a hot meal. The mobile trailer is custom designed to especially fit the needs of the clients and to help the Project
we hope to be as efficient in cost and operations as possible. Currently, they are looking to raise at least $50,000 (£33,100) in donations to help with start-up seed and kick-start this project as soon as possible.
“Dirty clothes and smell prohibits [the homeless] from going to appointments…or looking for a job,” explained Pastor Paul Bains, the founder of Project WeHOPE.
“When you can clean someone up, they feel better about themselves, their self-esteem is raised, they know people aren’t looking down on them because they smell or look dirty.
So we figured washing their clothes and allowing them to shower helps with restoring that dignity to them.”
How to get involved:
The task of reaching out to homeless adults in two counties 6 out of 7 days a week is no small task, and with it comes costs. Costs that can be helped through the generosity of YOU.
Project hope is looking for donations and sponsors for Dignity On Wheels. For more information on how to contribute, please contact them.
Dignity on Wheels in Action:
Situation 1:
The homeless, in rotating housing programs, have no showers or laundry facilities at the churches that host them. When they desire a shower or clean clothes,
they need to search out facilities available to them and then figure a way to get to the showers and/or laundry facility. These individuals lose time during their day,
may need to pay for transportation to and from the facilities, suffer the indignity of traveling on public transportation in an unclean state, and at times may need to pay for the showers and/or the laundry facilities.
To supply showers and laundry facilities to this population
Can Serve:
Showers up to: 30 people per night / 210 per week / 10,900+ per year
Laundry up to: 18 loads per night / 126 per week / 6,500+ per year
Situation 2:
The homeless in homeless encampments do not have showers or laundry facilities. When they desire a shower or clean clothes,
they need to search out facilities available to them and then figure a way to get to the showers and/or laundry facility. These individuals lose time during their day,
suffer the indignity of traveling on public transportation in an unclean state, may need to pay for transportation to and from the facilities and at times may need to pay for the showers and/or the laundry facilities.
To supply showers, laundry facilities, clean used clothes when required, and a volunteer nurse and/or case management services to this population and to increase the utilization of the trailer and truck purchased for the rotating housing program.
Recruit volunteer drivers and/or hire the homeless to drive the truck and trailer to the homeless encampments and further staff the truck with a volunteer nurse or a caseworker augmenting
the function of the shower trailer to include medical assistance, referrals, and counseling for health issues, and counsel on housing, education, etc. services available to the homeless.
Can Serve:
Showers up to: 60 people per day / 360 per week / 18,000+ per year
Laundry up to: 36 loads per day / 216 per week / 11,000+ per year
Read More : Chocobo Names