The Food Pyramid Conspiracy

The Food Pyramid Conspiracy
Introduced in 1992, the USDA food pyramid gave America
ns a general guide to how they should eat. Growing upFemale Rogue Names
in the United States, I personally was blasted several times with this so called “food pyramid.” We were told that a healthy diet should include, 6-11 servings of grains p
er day, and only 2-3 servings of meats, nuts, or beans
. So, great, now that all americans know how they sho
uld eat, we should become a more healthy country as a whole. We all know how that’s turned out. In this ar
ticle, I hope to reveal the conspiracy of the food pyramid,
as well as explain (and prove with data) why it is an ineff
ective diet plan. In addition, I will suggest a much more e
ffective diet that actually makes sense.
In 1992, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) pu
blished the Improved American Food Guide Pyramid t
o supposedly give people a general idea about how the
y should eat. This pyramid put an emphasis on grains,
with vegetables and fruit as slightly less important and
dairy and meat even less important. At the very top the
re was the “oil” group that contains fatty foods and see
ets. The general guide for servings of each group was
as followed: 6-11 servings/day of grains, 7-9 servings/
day of vegetables, 2-4 servings/day of fruit, 3 cups/da
y of dairy, and 3-5 servings/day of meat, and little or no food from the oil group.
So great, now Americans have a general diet pla
n to follow that was designed for optimal health. No
t. This plan was developed by the US Department of
Agriculture, not the Department of Health and Hu
man Services. So the plan wasn’t developed with hum
an health in mind, it was developed to be an adequate
e plan that would benefit the American agricultural b
usiness. Lobbyists for the food production industries
s of America highly influenced the food pyramid that
they USDA finally published. In fact, the USDA actu
ally originally had a panel of nutritional experts advise
e them on how they should structure this diet plan, but t
hey decided to disregard their advice to please the lobby
ists. That’s right, the published version of the food pyra
mid was more of a product of corruption than of real adv
ice. And its worked, as Americans are eating more grain
than ever before.
But I’m not just going to make such a bold claim about
the uselessness of the food pyramid without some evid
ence to support it. In a recent CDC report, the trends o
f changes in macronutrient (protein, carbs, fat) ratios and
calorie consumption in the United States from 1971-2000
were analyzed, with some fairly interesting results. In the
very first sentence of the report, it mentions that “the preva
lence of obesity in the United States increased from 14
.5% to 30.9%.” In the heart of the report, 3 key trends were unvieled:
Mean percentage of calories from carbs increased (
Mean percentage of calories from fat decreased
Mean total calorie consumption increased (2450-
2618 calories)
If you don’t understand what this data means, I’ll explain it to you. In 1971, people were eating less carbs, as they didn’t have this food pyramid to follow. But more recently in 2000, people were following this guide, which is shown by a huge increase in calories from car
bs (4 calories/g of carbohydrates). Also, their was a decrease in fat consumption, as grain is fairly low in fat (9 calories/g of fat). So while people were eating
less of the calorie-packed fat and more c, grains are so jam
med pack with carbohydrates that they can be deceptively
high in calories. So as you can see, this increase in carbohyd
rate intake has ultimately led to weight gain, as shown by the
e first statement of this report.If you want a real, effective di
et plan, you should instead try to shift you eating closer to h
ow it was 30 years ago, with a stronger emphasis on meats an
d vegetables and a much smaller emphasis on grains. When
you do eat grains, make sure they are whole grains, which are
healthier and cause less of an insulin spike (insulin increases
storage of body fat). A food pyramid that is actually decent is the
atkins food pyramid, found here. Its a bit over restricting about grains, as it is a low-carb diet, but it is a similar diet to how many professional bodybuilders eat.
The Food Pyramid Consp
Introduced in 1992, the USD
A food pyramid gave Americ
ans a general guide to how they should eat. Growing u
p in the United States, I personally was blasted several
times with this so called “food pyramid.” We were told that
t a healthy diet should include, 6-11 servings of grains pe
r day, and only 2-3 servings of meats, nuts, or beans. So, great, now that all americans know how they should
eat, we should become a more healthy country as a wh
ole. We all know how that’s turned out. In this article,
I hope to reveal the conspiracy of the food pyramid
, as well as explain (and prove with data) why it is an I
neffective diet plan. In addition, I will suggest a much m
ore effective diet that actually makes sense.
In 1992, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) publish
ed the Improved American Food Guide Pyramid to suppose
edly give people a general idea about how they should ea
t. This pyramid put an emphasis on grains, with vegetables a
nd fruit as slightly less important and dairy and meat even l
ess important. At the very top there was the “oil” group that con
tains fatty foods and sweets. The general guide for servings o
f each group was as followed: 6-11 servings/day of grains, 7-
9 servings/day of vegetables, 2-4 servings/day of fruit, 3 cup
s/day of dairy, and 3-5 servings/day of meat, and little or no food from the oil group.
So great, now Americans have a general diet plan to follow
that was designed for optimal health. Not. This plan was de
veloped by the US Department of Agriculture, not the Dep
artment of Health and Human Services. So the plan wasn’
t developed with human health in mind, it was developed to be
an adequate plan that would benefit the American agricultural
business. Lobbyists for the food production industries of Ame
rica highly influenced the food pyramid that they USDA finally
published. In fact, the USDA actually originally had a panel of nu
tritional experts advise them on how they should structure this
diet plan, but they decided to disregard their advice
to please the lobbyists. That’s right, the published version of the
e food pyramid was more of a product of corruption t
han of real advice. And its worked, as Americans are eating more grain than ever before.
But I’m not just going to make such a bold claim about
the uselessness of the food pyramid without some evi
dence to support it. In a recent CDC report, the trends
of changes in macronutrient (protein, carbs, fat) ratios a
nd calorie consumption in the United States from 1971-
2000 were analyzed, with some fairly interesting results
. In the very first sentence of the report, it mentions that
“the prevalence of obesity in the United States increased from 14.5% to 30.9%.” In the heart of the report, 3 key trends were unvieled:
Mean percentage of calories from car
bs increased (42.4%-49.
Mean percetage
of calories from fat decreased (36.9%-32.8%)
Mean total calor
e consumption increase
ed (2450-2618 calories)
If you don’t understand w
hat this data means, I’ll explain it to you. In 1971, people were eating less carbs, as they didn’t have this foo
d pyramid to follow. But more recently in 2000, people were following this guide, which is shown by a huge increase in calo
ries from carbs (4 calories/g of carbon
ydrates). Also, their was a decrease in fat co
nsumption, as grain is fairly low in fat (9 calo
ries/g of fat). So while people were eating
g less of the calorie-packed fat and more carbs, grains are so jammed pack with carbohydrates that they ca
n be deceptively high in calorie
s. So as you can see, this increase in carb
ohydrate intake has ultimately led to
weight gain, as shown by the first statement of
this report.If you want a real, effective diet plan, y
ou should instead try to shift
ou eating closer to how it w
althier and cause less of an insulin spike (insulin increases storage of body fat). A food pyramid that is actually decent is the atkins food pyramid, found here. Its a bit over restricting about grains, as it is a low-carb diet, but it is a similar diet to how many professional bodybuilders eat.
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