These Reiki Affirmations Will Give You Faith In The Process of Healing

These Reiki Affirmations Will Give You Faith In The Process of Healing
One way to shift your awareness out of the distress and into the healing energy of Reiki is to use affirmations.
If you’ve got a difficult situation you’d like help with, try repeating one or more of these affirmations over and over for several minutes. Names That Mean Death
Return to your affirmation several times a day whenever you have time or are feeling the need.
I am the peace and confidence of Reiki
I surrender to the safety and protection of Reiki
I give my problems to Reiki knowing they are solved
I am the abundance and prosperity of Reiki
I am the freedom and joy of Reiki
If you’d like to fine tune this process to the specific experience you’re having,
take a moment to identify the distressful feeling(s) you’re experiencing and think of the opposite positive feeling or state.
Then create a Reiki affirmation using the positive concept.
Here are a couple of examples: If you’re feeling fear you could create an affirmation that states:
“I trust in the loving care of Reiki.” If you’re feeling doubt,
“The confidence of Reiki fills my entire being.” The important thing with this process is that you choose the
affirmation that is opposite to your negative feeling and feels good to you. You’ll know if it’s right by how you feel when you use it.
By using Reiki affirmations in this way, you’ll be shifting your awareness away from the distress and toward Reiki.
By doing this, you’ll stop contributing to your negative feelings by not focusing on them and you’ll be calling in Reiki to heal the problem.
As you follow this process your mind and feelings will open and the loving energy of Reiki will flow in. You’ll learn something important about yourself,
heal and become stronger in important ways,
and create the atmosphere in which any outer difficulty can be easily resolved.
Believe to Achieve: The Power of Positive Thinking and Creating Happiness
“In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision”
In theory this sounds easy, just think happy thoughts and good things will happen.
And if we all lived in a fairytale then perhaps this mantra alone would suffice.
It would kickstart us all on our paths to success, fame, fortune, and happiness.
But, unlike in Peter Pan, happy thoughts cannot alone lift us up into the air and on toward Neverland.
What they can do however is to aid in stress relief, improve the immune system,
keep us focused, upbeat, and ready to conquer life’s pits and peaks.
Research suggests a strong correlation between positive thinking and happiness
Of course its not hard to infer that a ‘glass half full’ kind of person might naturally
be more inclined to have a cheery disposition, no matter how many times they fail,
or get bitten to death by mosquitos just before a function.
But luckily enough for those of you more inclined to see the glass as ‘half empty’; there are means and ways we can get some fresh water in there and drown out those niggling negative thoughts.
Begin by acknowledging that negativity comes from within.
You may argue that some people get dealt a better hand in life and so would naturally be happier, but this is not true.
Happiness is a choice, not as simple as choosing what to have for dinner, but a choice nonetheless.
‘Explanatory styles’ refers to the way a person chooses to look at a situation and justifies the outcome. People with a negative explanatory style, will often blame themselves for a failure, whereas people with a positive explanatory style will conclude that it was a difficult situation and that the failure was not their fault. They can easily move on from this failure and will not let it affect their future successes.
The moment you stop internalizing and blaming your self for all life’s problems and for all your failure’s, you will start to feel happier.
It is imperative that you avoid pessimism like the plague. Run from it, hide from it, and do not let it drag you down. Stay positive about everything and anything and you can achieve whatever you wish.
When you wake up tomorrow morning, make a list of ten happy thoughts and goals you may have.
In time, positivity should become natural, like eating and sleeping, and negativity will be stripped of its power.
Then, at the end of the day, list ten more happy thoughts, but also make a separate column to list the negative things you thought and that happened.
Next to each thought and event on the negative side write a positive about it, or a positive way of thinking about it.
Do this everyday until you no longer need the paper and pen, do it until you instinctively react to a bad situation or thought with positivity. These Reiki Affirmations Will Give You Faith In The Process of Healing
In time, positivity should become natural, like eating and sleeping, and negativity will be stripped of its power.
No matter how old you are, or how long you have been shutting out positivity, now is the time to embrace it. Grab life by its reigns and direct it in any which way you choose. Things may not always turn out exactly the way you plan, but it is your life and there is NEVER an excuse to not be happy and rule it.
Read More : Names That Mean Death