Writing and Speaking

Things to Remember for ACS RPL Employment Reference Letter


Writing a perfect ACS RPL skill assessment report has so many things to be taken into account. That is why it comes up as a challenge for those who haven’t written such a serious report ever.

Even people who have a flair for writing also need to take RPL Australia ACS writing services. Because it demands perfection in writing and systematically submitting all documents following the set format. Therefore, ICT aspirants for Australian immigration find it extremely intimidating.

One of the key requirements of the RPL report submission process is a perfect employment reference letter and it is a very critical part of this report where candidates tend to fail. Having taken the fear and intimidation of such probable candidates into account. We have prepared a list of tips to write a perfect ICT RPL employment reference letter for Australia, along with the reasons for its rejection. So, let is know them in detail. But, before all, you have to know what it is to understand its importance.

Employment reference letter for RPL ACS skill Assessment application: 

You have to submit an employment reference letter along with your ACS RPL report to the assessing authority ACS (Australian Computer Society). To prove yourself as a competent ICT professional for Australian immigration.
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If ACS finds your knowledge, skills, and real situation work experience sufficient per the fixed criteria, you will get a positive assessment. It means that your work experience and knowledge are according to the occupation you choose from the ANZSCO code. Without a flawless reference letter, you won’t be able to provide the necessary details or information about your work history, which will lead to rejection. So, let is know what an employment reference consists of.

Elements of a Successful Employment Reference Letter: 

These are the Top Five Elements

    • It shows your work experience in the ICT field, fulfilling the ACS set criteria. And it also should be in harmony with the nominated job from the ANZSCO code.
    • Your work must be gathered at a professional level before you apply for Australian immigration. The minimum criteria of the work experience have been set by ACS that must be fulfilled. The date on which the minimum level of experience is attained will be considered as the initiation point of migration by being a competent employee. And having a basic level of expertise is a must to be called a skilled ICT professional.
    • The work experience you earned before attaining the standard experience level will not be considered, and it can also negatively affect your RPL report. Remember, your report will be regarded as improper for immigration due to the experience gap.
    • Your writing date format is DD/MM/YY format in the reference letter. You must mention your job starting and ending dates in the expected order to show your work experience in the reference letter. If currently working, you should write ‘To date’ instead of ending date. It shows that your employment reference letter is the maximum date of your work experience.
    • Try to include as many employment tasks as you can in the reference letter to get a positive result. But, don’t forget that the duties must be relevant to the chosen ANZSCO job. It is set that 65% of your description must be relevant to the job role, and you must give a crystal-clear definition of them. If not done, your RPL will fail to bring the desired results.

Some Other Elements

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    • Remember that the ACS authority will not count your work experience and qualification as skilled employment. It will be regarded as ‘concurrent employment’ in the ACS RPL report.
    • Do not forget to mention that your job was full-time or part-time. So according to the authority, you must have a weekly duty of 20 hours, which will make you considered a full-time employee.
    • You must have specified information related to your performance and the skills you showed in every reference. This information has to be approved by your employer. If you don’t provide sufficient information about your skills and performance level in your profession. Then your RPL report will be below the expected criteria.
    • It would help if you mentioned the name of the country where you worked to gain experience. If you work in more than one country for a single company. You must cite all counties names along with the dates in your reference letter.
    • You must have the signatures of your employer in your employment reference letter thats means that your experience is genuine and valid. It also shows their approval of the information you provided about your work experience in the letter. Mention the name, contact, reference and designation of your employer or any authority signing your reference letter. If anything is missed, your employment reference letter will lose its value.

Some Other Elements to be Kept in Mind

    • Do not forget to get your employment reference letter certified. Certified must be done by any authorized notaries. No certifications mean an improper letter. Remember it is a must for you to provide the authority with a certified copy of your employment reference letter.
    • Don’t use any fraudulent means. Avoid copying the work experience and related attributes from any other resources. You must show your genuine work experience in the reference letter.
    • Your skills and job performance must be specified, taking into account the job you choose. The employment reference letter is a perfect medium for showing your competency as a full-blown ICT professional with sufficient work experience. So, pay attention to your plus points and the domain in which you are efficient.

Common Mistakes in ACS RPL Employment Reference Letter:

Confusing Dates 

As told above, the date format in your employment reference letter must be DD/MM/YY. So iff you don’t follow this format, the authority will be confused about work experience details. Because it will spoil your image in the eyes of the ACS authority. So, follow the DD/MM/YY format as set by the authority.

Plagiarism & Fake Information 

Not try to impress the authority by putting fake information from other online sources. So doing this put your image as a dishonest person before the authority, which completes it to reject you.

Sometimes, candidates don’t take references from online sources and copy some content to impress the authority and sound more eligible and competent. You must remember that plagiarized content is highly prohibited and leads to rejection.

Improper Job Description 

Your job description must show your real work experience. You must write it in a way that can create vivid images of your roles and responsibilities.

Apart from that, an improper job description is no less than writing nothing to the authority. Your job description must show your skills and experience to the job you have chosen. So do not use flowery language here, and keep it simple, concise and vivid.

Not Taking ACS RPL Report Writing Services 

Leave no room for overconfidence, ego, nervousness, negativity and hesitation. If any of the haunts you, then contact any Australian ICT RPL report writing expert to get your report prepared perfectly.

A professional is very familiar with the ACS guidelines, grammar rules, writing vividly, effective language and formal tone. A non-professional can not have expertise and perfection like a professional. Because they check edit and proofread the content to improve its quality and make it free from errors.


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