A domain name is one of the most important initial steps in setting up a new business or project is choosing a good domain name. Spending time now to choose a decent name will only make it easier for your customers to remember, type and promote, both online and offline. So what are some of the top things to think about when choosing a domain name?
Some important key details to remember when deciding on a domain name are as follows:
1. Keep it short: The domain name should be short enough to make it easy for users to write in web browsers and emails. The average domain name is eleven characters great. 7 is a great number because it will be easy to remember and type. Definitely avoid going more than 20 characters.
2. Be Descriptive – Your domain name usually contains your business name and or descriptive element. Sometimes the descriptive element makes the domain too long and you have to be a bit more imaginative to make it work.
Awesomejoeslandscapingservicesltd.com is too long, but wait, Awesomejoes.com is available! However, if it is not too long, then you should actually have a descriptive element in the domain name. bigwheeltires.com is better than just bigwheel.com.
3. Correct spelling – Avoid silly spelling, hyphens, numbers or anything else that you will have to do for someone. 3lazicattlem00vers.com is a bad idea. Please make sure that when you are searching for a domain name you are spelling it correctly !! There is a reason myfreinds.com is available.
Yes, some people are hoping to discontinue any other popular domain for this purpose. If it is too close to a popular domain then you may face a costly legal battle. Sounds like a dirty pool if you’re trying to trick visitors into visiting your domain.
4. Research your domain – what domain extensions are available for this? You wish. Com if possible. If you simply cannot do that job using different variations, then you may need to consider going with a .net, .org or country-specific extension such as .ca if you are located in Canada.
Once you decide on a name and extension then go online and look around for other similar domains that can cause problems for you. If your site is a letter or extension removed from a XXX site, you may have to rethink and find it. Unless never mind. You’ll be surprised how many .coms are still available when you get creative.
Domain name extension:
Domain extensions on the Internet are often referred to as Top Level Domains (TLDs). I usually only consider the top 3 domain extensions as I have posted here unless I have a specific purpose for the site.
Some of the most common top-level domain (TLD) extensions are:
- .com (Commercial) – Originally intended for commercial use, but used by many organizations. The most common extension.
- .net (network) – This was intended for technology-based sites, but is now used as a backup. If not available.
- .org (organization) – intended for non-profit types of businesses. Now, this is another fall. The com version should not be available.
- .info (informative) – After the top three, you may want to consider it if your site is primarily informative in nature.
- .biz (Business) – New TLDs used for businesses. The above has been used as much for others, but may not be good for being in the future.
- .tv (television) – Sites that have too many videos and are modelling after TV shows may want to consider this expansion.
- .edu (education) – Yes It is reserved exclusively for recognized educational institutions and organizations in the United States.
Country Code Top – Level Domain (ccTLD):
If you are not concerned with selling outside your country, then you may want to consider country-specific domains. There are too many premium domain names available and this does not mean that you cannot get outside your country or sell it.
If you are selling primary in the country, consider a ccTLD. This will help Google in ranking search engine results for local targeting. To see the complete list of TLDs and ccTLDs go to wikipedia.org.
Domain name research tool:
Here are some tools and links you can use to help you in your research
Name Generator Tool – fantasy name generator is easy to use a free name generator tool. This will help you find combinations of words that are available on a domain extension.
Domain Name Availability – Namecheck is a great tool that allows you to quickly see what domains and social media sites are available.
Domain registrars – My favourite domain registrars are namecheap.com, baremetal.ca and domainpeople.com in that order. Low cost and they make the domain easy to manage. Stay away from new registrars and younger people. There are many that disappear at night and leave you out of control of your domain which can be disastrous for your business.
So what’s next now that you’ve decided on a domain name? Now register it and find a hosting provider!
Why do I write this type of article?
I really enjoy using my unique entrepreneurial vision, technical expertise and business experience to create new revenue opportunities, products and services whether it is for myself or for others.
I currently offer a mix of consulting, support services, WordPress web development services and Internet marketing services that not only want to know more but are actually willing to do something about it.