Top 10 Small Scale Livestock Agriculture In India
Small Scale Livestock Agriculture In India

Animal farming or livestock Agriculture business in India is very profitable and promising. Domesticated animals cultivating business can be worked from your terrace or as limited scale or even for a vast scope. Livestock represents how they can change the vegetation which covers huge Indian pieces into protein items that the individual can utilize. It gives draft force and excrement to the yield endeavour and this, thus, provides fodder and food.
Here is the list of 10 small-scale livestock agriculture businesses.
Dairy Farming
The livestock Farming Business in India holds the first rank with average milk production of 78 million tons per year. In starting a dairy farming business, making a proper business plan, making a cropping and feeding program, waste control planning, financial planning and marketing planning is essential.
It is advisable to start a business, expand steadily. The major products are meat, milk, and leather. You can also sell dung and Kande for organic fertilizer production.
Fish Farming
Fish farming is very profitable, and many industries are widely diversified in it. Therefore, you can start your own small-scale fish farming with small capital investment and start large-scale commercial fish farming.
As indicated by your area, accessible water bodies, climate, water type, and investment limit, you should choose the correct species for fish farming. According to their region, Carp fish like Rahu and Katla, Tilapia, Prawn, Crab, Shrimp and Trout are the most popular fishes in India. Apart from this, fish hatchery and decorative fish farming ( living Jewels ) are also profitable businesses.
Goat Farming
Goat farming is a highly profitable livestock farming business idea. Therefore, it is essential to make a proper goat farming business plan before starting this business. Earning a high profit within a short time, small capital investment and great global demand are the prime reasons for spreading this business rapidly around the globe.
If you are thinking of starting this business and ideally making a perfect and effective plan, you will achieve the highest profit from the goat farming business.
Ostrich Farming
Ostrich meat is the healthiest meat compared to our traditional meat. It contains less fat, low calories, and cholesterol than beef, chicken, and pork. In addition, Ostrich farming allows the farmer to make a higher and instant return on investment. Ostrich eggs, meat, leather, and feathers are highly-priced and highly demanding in the local and international markets. Sheep, goats, and cattle can follow ostrich farming.
Pearl Farming
The production of a pearl is a complicated process that requires a growing marine ecosystem, essential and current knowledge and skill, and many years of patience. You can start freshwater pearl farming on a small scale basis. Freshwater pearl farming is a commercially profitable business to initiate with a small startup investment. You can sell pearls at local and international markets because of their high demand for jewelry, gift items, etc.
Pet Birds Farming
Pet bird farming is a highly profitable and supportive business. It needs complete information about the species and knowledge about their living system-like environment, feeding, etc., and it is a good start for the commercial way of farming. Some of the most popular pet birds, such as Macaws, Cockatoos, Australian Parakeets, Soft Bills, Pigeons, Amazon, Love Birds, Fancy Poultry, etc., can nurture pet farming and sell in the local and international market. Mainly for those who are bird lovers.
Pig Farming
Pig farming in India is very common and one of the most profitable livestock farming businesses. Pigs grow faster than any other animal. Therefore, the ratio of total edible meat and total body weight is higher in pigs. We can get around 60 to 80 percent of consumable meat, leather from a live pig.
Poultry Farming
Poultry farming in India has a profitable small business opportunity for new entrepreneurs. All types of poultry products have excellent and high demand in the market in India. Highly fruitful local and foreign breeds are also available in need for commercial poultry farming.
Sheep Farming
Sheep are nurtured for their authentic wool, milk, skins, and manure production. its meat has a good taste and is nutritious and popular with all types of meat lovers. The sheep farming business is a tremendous and extensive source of income and a reason for destroying poverty from the barren, desert, semi-arid, and mountainous areas. You don’t need significant capital to start a sheep farming business.
How to start a livestock farming business?
Many parts contribute to the growth of a livestock Agriculture business. Although it is a very profitable business, it can also be one of the most demanding businesses. So, before starting a business in livestock farming, here are a few things or steps to remember.
Purpose Of Livestock Agriculture Farming
For a successful livestock farming business, you need to know precisely what you want. Therefore, you have to decide early on which livestock farming business you are going to start. This detail is significant to start livestock farming because your purpose will determine your business needs such as equipment, farm vehicle which suits according to budget or area, and market.
Find Perfect Location
A livestock farming business, just like every other business. Finding a location for your business depends on whether you aim for a small-scale livestock business or a large farm with many different animals. In choosing a spot for your livestock farms, you have to consider its convenience by transporting animals from one place to another. They need the best vehicle like Kubota MU 5501 tractor, climate, seasonal changes, and most of all, size.
Equipment For Livestock Farming
The chance of your livestock business to grow also depends on having all the required equipment to run your own business. Feeding equipment, water tanks, manure spreader, livestock trailer, and construction
If you need to construct a house of animals, you need the best vehicle from which you can manage easily, like Eicher 242 Tractor are just some of the essential things for a fully functioning livestock farm. If you are seeking an affordable tractor, you should check the Farmtrac 60 price which helps you to choose the best tractor.
We hope this would be informative content for you. For more information about livestock farming and other business-related agriculture, stay connected with TractorFirst.