In the following article discussion related to a frequently occurring disorder among the female population discuss, causes, features related to the disease and medical options available to cure the disease with special emphasis to the drug Clomid in the market. Recent statistical collection of data states that one in every five women is suffering from one or all the side effects of PCOS.
PCOS stands for poly cystic ovarian syndrome and is a type of disorder where a female body can experience multiple issues related to general physical features as well as the internal derangements of hormone and disturbed normal monthly reproductive cycle. In PCOS the ovaries which is the female reproductive part that produces egg every month, along with a mature egg, ovaries also produce hormones called androgen which are primarily male sex hormones but they are also present on females but in a very calculated small portion, thus abnormal production of androgen disturbs the normal functioning of female body. Multiple fluid filled sacs known as cysts form inside the female body, hence the name coined poly-cystic ovaries.
The characteristic features can be broadly classified into three types:
Physical changes:
The Physical changes that can see with naked eyes are:
- Acne
- Weight gain
- Mood swings
- Missed or delayed menstruation
- Difficulty in conception
- Oily skin
- Hair loss from frontal head
- Excessive hair growth on face buttock and body
Radiological findings:
Radiological findings consist of:
- Strings of follicles or clusters of follicles.
- Absence of any dominant follicle.
- No ovum or smaller than the optimum size egg.
Lab findings:
If other findings are not definite then lab findings are done to rule out PCOS and it consists of hormonal profiling to check for deranged hormones, They are as followed:
- LH
Following are the hormones checked at specific times of the month to ensure that a perfect balance exists between them for proper functioning of the body.
Research and medical experts after extensive study have come to a point where exact cause of this disease is unknown however, some health conditions can attribute to develop such symptoms. The causes or the reason to develop this syndrome can be as follows:
Disturbed hormones:
Hormonal disturbance due to what so ever reason can lead to development of PCOD for example:
- Increase in serum testosterone levels, it is found in small quantity but if the serum level increases it can disturb hormones.
- Deranged prolactin levels can also cause PCOD. Prolactin is a hormone that is related to milk production in the mammary glands of breast.
- Increment in the surge of luteinizing hormone, LH hormone is necessary for ovulation but increase in LH level can interfere with ovulation thus disturbing normal reproductive cycle.
- Decrease amount of a sex binding globulin abbreviated as SHBG, a protein responsible FOR binding to male sex hormone testosterone in the blood and controlling its quantity and effect on the body.
Inulin resistance:
Individuals whose body become resistant to insulin or insensitive because of diabetes or Obesity results in excessive production of insulin and to cater that more testosterone is released hence causing abnormal body functioning.
Obesity is one of the reason for developing PCOD as more fat in the body tend to have higher insulin production hence, worsening the side effects of PCOD.
Studies shows that a strong genetic correlation exists between the family for example if mother or aunts or grandmother have such disorder than chances of next female generation to have it are higher although, no definitive gene for causing such situation has been identified yet.
PCOD if left un-treated can lead to serious health concerns, some are as follow:
- Diabetes
- Blood pressure
- Infertility
- Depression
- Endometrial cancer
Medical assistance in the form of medication is quite helpfully in treating the disorder and lessening the severity of side effects caused by PCOS. Drugs prescribed are:
- Metformin
- Contraceptives
- Folic acid supplements
- Clomid
- letrozole
Clomid is the brand name of medicine called Clomiphene and it has proven very fruitful for treating infertility among patients of PCOS and even one without that in conceiving. It is one of the first line of drug advise by gynaecologists and endocrinologists to induce ovulation and increase the chances of conception. Females around the globe widely use Clomid UK to address the fertility issues.
Clomid works by modulating the estrogen receptors, it blocks them and creates estrogen deficiency, brain after sensing the falsely created deficiency produces follicular stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone that helps in ovulation.
It is available in the tablet form and the dosage is usually 50 milligrams per tablet, initially loading dose of 50 or 100 milligram is given for five days starting on the third or fifth day of the reproductive cycle of the women.
It is a well-tolerated drug but some of the harmful effects are as follows:
- vomiting
- nausea
- dizziness
- headache
- enlargement of one or both ovaries.
- Blurring of vision
- Endometrial changes
- Multiple pregnancies
- Hyperstimulation of ovaries
- Ovarian cancer
- Resistance in 15 to 40 % of patients
Clomid is the most widely used drug for the treatment of fertility, it is also an option to address some of the male fertility concerns. However, other drugs are also in the market now but clomid’s place is still there. Its treatment is known as ovulation induction cycle and if combined with other fertility treatments better results can be seen.
Advancement in the technology has also imposed some serious health concerns and in this era where sedentary lifestyle and un-healthy practices are very common many diseases and disorder occurrence have increased manifold such as PCOD, research is still there to pin point the exact cause but medical aid has proven very helpful such as they Buy Clomid UK to address their concerns but one should be very cautious and try to adapt a healthy lifestyle and if encounter any health concerns should immediately consult a doctor and proper and timely supervised guidance should be there to nip the evil in the bud.