Home Improvement

Transforming Your Space: Tips for Home Improvement with Wall Art 

 Among all the techniques that can be used to enhance the look of homes, the use of walls art is one of the best. It can take a boring room, make it beautiful, give it character and even dictate the kind of atmosphere that your home has. No matter if you want to change one or several rooms in your house, put up decorations and, without any doubt, transforming walls into artworks will give your interior an additional sparkle. Here are some guidelines that will enable you design quality wall art in your home improvement projects. 

    1.   Your Own Selection of Art to Save and Display   

 When it comes to home improvement with the help of wall art the first thing that one needs to consider is the choice of art pieces one likes most. Your home must embody who you are, what you like and where you have been, so choose art that inspires you in some way. Whether one is interested in abstract art, landscapes or photography, the best thing to do is to choose art pieces that one has a liking for. 

 Regarding the color matching, the style of every particular room should be considered when choosing paintings for the wall; for instance, a calm and peaceful picture will harmoniously fit the bedroom whereas dynamic and saturated paintings will look good in a living room. This means that the art selected should form part of the design of the particular area where it is situated while at the same time providing some form of touch to the area. 

    2.   Consider Size and Placement   

 Where, and how large the pictures are will be important to retaining the aesthetic of your room. One misusing is the selection of artwork which itself is too small for the particular wall, which leads to a lack of an authoritative look. However, the artwork that is too big also poses problems to the space within which it resides. 

 In other words, the ratio of artwork to wall space above furnishes is approximately, in most cases, two to three parts. ” For instance, if you are placing a piece over a sofa it should be around size of two third the space of the sofa. If you are displaying more than one artwork it is always more preferable to design a gallery to cover the large space. Organize the portions in a way that they are similar to each other in terms of the content, the shade or the design. 

 Height is also a factor their: people with large height require more of everything to satisfy their needs. The general-height at which art should be hung is at the eye level and this is about 57 to 60 inches from the floor to the centre of the piece. However, if a hanging piece of art to be placed above a piece of furniture it should do so at around the height of 6 to 12 inches from the top of the furniture. 

    3.   Create a Focal Point   

 Wall art is great in focusing on a particular area of the home or in simply creating a central point of focus in a particular area. For their creation of focus, one should decide on the piece that can be singled out because of such factors as size, color and subject matter. Ideally, this piece should be located at a place where for one, it’ll be seen easily, for instance, above a fireplace, sofa or the dining table. 

 If you want less contrast, take several small pieces and put them together of street graffiti , so they will be a single accent. For instance, a gallery wall will help to add interest and dimension to a room while also effectively acting as a feature wall. 

    4.   Mix and Match Styles   

 Although it is advisable to use the different styles of wall art in a harmonized manner, you should not shy off from using the different styles in a more random manner. Mixing different genres of art works including the modern abstracts with the vintage prints or the photos with the paintings also gives the house character. 

 To do the mixing and matching effectively, make sure that there is something in particular that links the pieces together such as color, theme or frame style. It will also assist to make continuity and order regarding appearance thus even when the art it self differ. 

    5.   Incorporate Functional Art   

 This doesn’t mean that wall art has got to be merely aesthetic. Now functional art is the one as an accent mirror, accent wall clock, or even the artistic shelf, those are functional artistic pieces that can complete any space in terms of beauty and utility. Some common examples include getting mirrors because not only do they somehow make a room look larger and brighter, but they are also wall art pieces. 

    6.   Change It Up   

 Wall art is also easy to switch which means that if you find that your space is looking dull then you can easily change it to make it look more lively. You can also change the frames based on the conditions in your house because you can change art seasonally or if you grow tired of that particular look. Rotating of art can add a new look to your house without undergoing several remodeling, making your home look new always. 

 Wall art is an incredibly influential method of home improvement that allows to add individuality and appeal to the interior. Therefore by choosing, positioning and combining the art pieces it is possible to bring the specific atmosphere to any selected room, mirror your personality. Regardless of whether it is an eye-catching piece of art or a simple decoration that adds some depth to the accents of the room, nothing can compare with wall works in terms of the potential to improve the design of your home while also enriching its semantic agenda.

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