Health and Fitness

Treatment options for infertility in women at Cloudnine Hospital

Fertility is important if you want to conceive a child. However, many women experience infertility due to the changing lifestyle and hormonal changes. Problems with ovulation and when women have damaged fallopian tubes also cause infertility. In addition to this, problems with the cervix are also one of the reasons. Science has advanced and produced many innovative ways for infertility. Increasing age reduces the chances of conceiving a child. Finding the right treatments under one roof is challenging. Thus, Credihealth allows you to book an appointment with practitioners at Cloudnine Hospital. 

Treatment for Infertility

Cloudnine Hospital at Gurgaon offers various treatments for infertility in women. These treatments are given depending upon the conditions of the patients and fertility rate. Following are the treatment options available at the hospital:

  • Ovulation Induction and cycle Monitoring

Women with unpredictable menstrual cycles face difficulty in conceiving the child. The doctor will suggest ovulation induction which helps in monitoring the cycle properly. This treatment helps in stimulating the follicles in a woman’s ovaries. The doctor will prescribe a few medications for regulating the cycles. 

  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

In Vitro Fertilization is the medical technique offered for the couple who wish to conceive a child. IVF is a procedure that involves combining sperm and eggs in a sanitized environment. It is carefully controlled under specific temperatures. The embryos are inserted carefully in the uterus. This treatment helped many couples to conceive a child and start their family.

  • Doppler Tests

Infertility is less in the male partner. Thus, the doppler test helps diagnose erectile dysfunction.  The doppler act as a tool that generates high-frequency waves. It measures the flow of blood towards the penis. It is a treatment recommended only for men. This ultrasound device will help in finding the flow of blood to prevent erectile dysfunction.

  • Vitrification of Eggs

The Cloudnine Hospital has a provision for storing the eggs by freezing in advance. The parents have the opportunity to choose the parenting whenever they want. Vitrification of eggs helps in storing the eggs in the capsule. In some cases, it happens that women find difficulty in conceiving the child after they turn 30. Women save their fertile eggs during young age and plan accordingly. 

  • Laser-Assisted Hatching

It happens that the IVF procedure causes several embryos during the fertility process. The doctor will process laser-assisted hatching, which loosens a blastocyst in the outer shell. This procedure involves freezing and thawing of the fertilized egg. 

  • Medical counseling

The doctor also provides medical counseling for either or both male and female partners. If anybody in between them has a traumatic experience or history, then provide their medical assistance. There are various supporting groups and counselors which help the patient to get out from the traumatic experience. 

Advantages of Fertility treatment

A child is the dream of every couple. Thus fertility treatment allows them. The treatment depends upon multiple factors. The treatment can be expensive and maybe time-consuming, yet there are various benefits as well. Following are some of the advantages of fertility treatment:

  • Women face difficulties during ovulation and struggle with PCOS; infertility helps you to increase the chance of fertilization.
  • Thyroid problems are also observed in women. Thus, gynecologists provide treatment for the same. 
  • Fertility treatment is helpful to increase the fertility rate and to conceive the child. 
  • Hormonal therapy helps maintain the imbalance created in women. In addition to this, the doctor provides treatment for weight disorders.
  • Doppler test is helpful to increase the feasibility and to check the blood flow in the penis. 
  • Problems in the menstrual cycle create difficulty while conceiving the sperm; fertility treatment is the best option. 

The Cloudnine Hospital is well equipped with the latest technology and medications for male and female partners. In addition to this, the doctor will provide their best medical practice. 

Many couples face difficulty in conceiving the child. The reason for infertility is the changing lifestyles and hormonal imbalance. Furthermore, women struggle with PCOS, thyroid, weight increase, low fertility rate, and unpredictable ovulatory cycle. Men tend to struggle with erectile dysfunction, low sperm rate, estrogen problems. Thus, Cloudnine Hospital at Gurgaon has a Fertility branch is the dedicated branch that deals with fertility problems. 

The doctors may suggest running a few tests which help in diagnosing the cause of infertility. Furthermore, there is a provision for counseling for both male and female treatment. It helps to give mental support if the couple has a history. 

Get an appointment for Fertility treatment-

Planning for the child, but every attempt becomes unsuccessful, thus booking an appointment with Cloudnine Hospital practitioner. The doctors will provide suitable medical treatment for the same. Credihealth allows you to get online consultations with the desired doctor. Medications and counseling are also available under one roof. In Vitro Fertilization is the best treatment for couples who wish to conceive a child. Thus, with Credihealth, you get a chance to experience the best medical facility. For additional medical benefits, call on +91 8010-994-994.

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