Trying to embrace unpredictability

Trying to embrace unpredictability
Their Mums In Heartwarming Video Names That Mean Death
Watch below as blindfolded children are giving the task of looking for their mums.
If you have a kid, it’ll make you want to hug him or her, and if you don’t,
you’ll want one immediately when you witness for yourself the special b
ond that makes children recognise their mums even whilst wearing a blindfold.
The jewellery champions met with six women and their kids to test
t that special bond between a mother and child. Their precious love
ed ones were blindfolded and guided towards the group of women.
Using only their senses, the kids had to find the one they believe
ed to be their mother. They went around one by one and tried t
o pick out their mum out of all the awaiting mothers.
It’s especially heartwarming when you see how anxious the m
other’s seems as it’s their child’s turn to look for them.
The result is tear-jerking.
Cute: The adorable moment a mum and her
daughter are reunited thanks to their special bond (Picture: Pandora/YouTube)
‘Anxiety, love and a bit of heartfelt tears filled the
room as children from the age of three to nine trie
d and succeed in finding the one and only they co
uld call mum!’ said a Pandora spokesperson.
The Relationship Advice That Keeps Kristen Bell A
nd Dax Shepard TogetherKristen Bell and Dax Shep
rd say they have found the best way to connect with one
another: couples therapy; and they’re not ashamed to admit it:
“Therapy is not something to be embarrassed about
,” the mother of daughtersLincoln, 2, and Delta,
4 months, tells Good Housekeeping for its May cover story.
On the contrary, the couple say taking an hones
t look at their imperfections has made their marriage stronger.
“I used to have a temper,” says the Frozen
and House of Lies star, 34, who calls her relationship with Shepard, “the Paula Abdul video ‘Opposites Attract’ personified.”
“I loved slamming doors?–?I wanted a dramatic exi
t! But he, having worked through a variety of emotional issues to get sober, said, ‘This isn’t going to work. This is
n’t how I’m going to communicate for the rest of my life.’ ”
-Kristen Bell
Bell continues, “When someone doesn’t fight back and goes, ‘I don’t want to do this,’ that threat is real. It makes you reevaluate your behavior. The way Dax and I argue now?–?and we argue a lot; we disagree on almost everything!?–?is so healthy.”
“I read Blink, the Malcolm Gladwell book, and there’s a chapter about this University of Washington researcher who interviews couples. His conclusion is that if you have contempt for your partner, it’s done — you might as well get a divorce attorney,” Shepard, 40, explains.
“I said to Kristen, ‘We should try hard to police ourselves about becoming contemptuous of each other. If I ever see you roll your eyes at me, we need to hit pause and figure out what’s going on.’ ”
Adds Kristen Bell, “I don’t mind advertising a healthy marriage. I’m trying, just like everyone else.”
Trying to embrace unpredictability is a lesson Bell has been repeatedly learning over the years, including during the moment she became a mother.
“I wasn’t positive I wanted kids. But I can now confirm having them is absolutely unmissable. When Lincoln came out, at first I was like, ‘Eh, what do I do with it? I can take it home?’ But when I started breastfeeding, the oxytocin or my hormones or hundreds of thousands of years of evolution kicked in. I didn’t want to let her go.”
“Therapy is not something to be embarrassed about
,” the mother of daughtersLincoln, 2, and Delta,
4 months, tells Good Housekeeping for its May cover story.
On the contrary, the couple say taking an hones
t look at their imperfections has made their marriage stronger.
“I used to have a temper,” says the Frozen
and House of Lies star, 34, who calls her relationship with Shepard, “the Paula Abdul video ‘Opposites Attract’ personified.”
“I loved slamming doors?–?I wanted a dramatic exi
t! But he, having worked through a variety of emotional issues to get sober, said, ‘This isn’t going to work. This is
Bell continues, “When someone doesn’t fight back and goes, ‘I don’t want to do this,’ that threat is real. It makes you reevaluate your behavior. The way Dax and I argue now?–?and we argue a lot; we disagree on almost everything!?–?is so healthy.”
“I read Blink, the Malcolm Gladwell book, and there’s a chapter about this University of Washington researcher who interviews couples. His conclusion is that if you have contempt for your partner, it’s done — you might as well get a divorce attorney,” Shepard, 40, explains.
“I said to Kristen, ‘We should try hard to police ourselves about becoming contemptuous of each other. If I ever see you roll your eyes at me, we need to hit pause and figure out what’s going on.’ ”
Adds Kristen Bell, “I don’t mind advertising a healthy marriage. I’m trying, just like everyone else.”
Trying to embrace unpredictability is a lesson Bell has been repeatedly learning over the years, including during the moment she became a mother.
“I wasn’t positive I wanted kids. But I can now confirm having them is absolutely unmissable. When Lincoln came out, at first I was like, ‘Eh, what do I do with it? I can take it home?’ But when I started breastfeeding, the oxytocin or my hormones or hundreds of thousands of years of evolution kicked in. I didn’t want to let her go.”
Read More:Names That Mean Death