How Investing in SEO Can Help Businesses Survive COVID-19

As the Covid-19 virus continues to evolve, so does the need for different business strategies during this time. Investing in SEO is extremely valuable during the pandemic, even if your business is having a difficult time. If you haven’t been concentrating on SEO before, now is a good time to start. If, on the other hand, you have been using an SEO strategy up to this point, now is not the time to put your efforts on hold.
Why SEO Toronto Is so Important Right Now
The economy in the GTA was booming before the pandemic started. It’s important to remember at this time that even though it seems like the virus has taken a hold of the economy and has turned it upside down, this situation will not last forever. There are vaccines that look extremely promising and by this time next year things will probably be a lot different.
In times like these it’s vital to look at the long-range forecast instead of concentrating on the short-term problem. Even though it may be difficult, it should be kept as a priority. When you continue with your efforts or start to work an SEO strategy into your game plan it will give you an edge over the competition. Many businesses during this time are concentrating on the problem as it is now and are not looking ahead into the future.
Local SEO Toronto
If you have a business that can cater to the local public by offering products that can be ordered online, it’s time to get the message out to the public in a big way. While brick-and-mortar stores are definitely suffering more right now, online stores are experiencing more business growth than ever. More and more people are shopping online to avoid going out in public and the holiday season is fast approaching.
In order to get more people landing on your website you should be doubling your SEO efforts now. You should also be investing in Google advertising in order to reap the most benefits. Now is not the time to be stagnant – it’s time to act!
New Business Strategies
Take a look at how you can incorporate new strategies into your business to drive-in profits. If you haven’t set up an online store yet you can have one created quickly and easily. People across the Toronto area are looking for places to shop online and you need to be sure that your site can be found on the search listings. The first question you should be asking yourself is how you can make the pandemic work in your favour if at all possible. It’s all about looking for solutions and arranging new business strategies if necessary.
Best SEO Toronto
There are many SEO solutions that you can put into place right now, including the following:
- Update the content on your website
- Get more business reviews
- Update your listing on Google My Business
- Create more backlinks to your site
If you’re going to be updating the content on your site, you should be addressing the pandemic in an understanding and sensitive way. A lot of people are facing challenges and hardships right now so your content should take on an empathetic tone. Let people know how they can better cope at this time and provide them with relevant information about your industry. Let visitors know what you are doing to help out during these tough times.
The Surge in Online Shopping
The best SEO Toronto practices can drive more traffic to your website while at the same time converting more visitors into leads. Take advantage where it all possible of the endless customers that are searching for convenient options for deliveries and seamless experiences online. People are using Google Search right now to find the products and services they need most.
Home services are still required such as cleaning services, snow maintenance and much more. Products such as clothing, kitchen appliances and more are still needed as well. The holidays will be different but people will still want to buy presents for one another. There will still be birthdays, anniversaries etc. and many of the individuals that would usually frequent a retail store to buy things are now turning online to do their shopping.
Collecting Leads
Many people have been putting things on hold due to a reduced income or the loss of a job but there will come a time when things will get back to normal. It’s important to continue to collect leads so that you can get in touch with visitors that have left their contact details. You can start lining up work for the future this way.
There are a lot of individuals that are still browsing through the Internet for the things they need. Even if they aren’t able to make a purchase at this time, you can put these collected leads to work and reach out to potential customers to reengage them when the timing is right.
Paid Advertising
A lot of companies and individual website owners started to pull their ads when the pandemic started. As a result, the cost per click of paid advertising started to plummet. The perfect opportunity for using paid advertising has been created with the price of CPC down and search volume up. As a result, many businesses have seen a huge increase in ROI. Paid advertising can provide a business with more sales, traffic and exposure to its brand. Any business can make use of pay-per-click advertising and if it hasn’t been a part of your marketing strategy lately, it should be.
The best way to capture the attention of potential customers is to implement SEO strategies and learn how to adapt to the ongoing pandemic. As well, remember that you want your potential customers to find you easily once this coronavirus situation is resolved. Continue to support your SEO efforts or implement new ones, keep working on your sales funnel and look for ways to open up more revenue streams.