Lifting Paris

You can’t go anywhere—work, spin, a casual Instagram scroll—without coming across a textbook example of lip fillers. It’s been years since Kylie Jenner first admitted to plumping her lips, yet the look hasn’t dissolved from cosmetic surgeons request lists.
What is a lip lift?
It’s a permanent surgical procedure to increase the amount of pink lip you see, helping lips look youthful and full. The process takes less than an hour, sometimes even twenty minutes and, is performed under anaesthesia. Technically speaking, lip lifts require that a cosmetic surgeon remove a cup of tissue from beneath your nose. But, instead, the scar is hidden underneath the nose, in a squiggly line almost shaped like a bullhorn. As a result, the lips tend to lose volume over time, becoming thinner and more wrinkled. They can also exhibit more delicate lines around the mouth, called “smoker’s lines” or “bar code”. In addition, it is possible to carry out injections of hyaluronic acid. (Credit Information:
What are the benefits of a lip lift?
There are multiple benefits to a correctly performed lip lift procedure. With age, The upper lip tends to stretch and lengthen with gravity, much like other parts of your face. It usually results in the red part of the lip “rolling” inward, which gives the appearance of thinning. Additionally, the upper lip falls downward and covers the upper teeth, making the mouth appear older. These changes are reversed by shortening the upper lip, and the midface takes on a lifted and more rejuvenated appearance. The increased “red show” also provides the lip with a permanent look of greater fullness, which is often desirable in young patients.
What techniques are used for a lip lift?
Several techniques have been used over the years to perform a lip lift. Original descriptions involve removing skin just above the lip, where the pink portion meets your skin. More modern techniques place the incision just under your nose, making the resultant scar less visible. Next, a small strip of leather is removed, and the area is carefully closed with sutures. Finally, the “modified” upper lip lift is the most advanced technology to date. It includes more release of the lip and a more stable suspension to create a longer-lasting natural result.
Who is a good candidate for a lip lift?
You may be a good candidate for a lip lift if you feel the distance between your nose and lip is too long or that the upper lip is relatively thin. Often, patients who are good candidates for a lip lift may have had a bad experience previously with lip fillers, which made the lips appear heavy and long instead of plump and balanced.
What is the lip lift procedure?
The lip lift is an effortless and straightforward surgical procedure that can be done alone or with other facial procedures (rhinoplasty, facelift, etc.). The process begins with skin markings on your upper lip based on the surgical plan you designed with your surgeon. Next, numbing medicine is injected into the area, similar to a dental procedure. Once ready, the necessary portion of skin beneath the nose is gently removed, and any light bleeding is controlled. Finally, the incision is closed with many small sutures to create a possible cosmetic result. Following the procedure, the area is kept covered with antibiotic ointment and sutures are removed, starting several days later.
Is anaesthesia required?
If a lip lift is the only procedure you are having performed, then it can quickly be done under just local anaesthesia, much like a dental operation. However, if the lip lift is combined with additional procedures requiring more profound anaesthesia, it would be included in the overall plan.
How long does a lip lift last?
The results of a surgical lip lift are permanent. However, your lips and overall face will continue to mature. So you should expect regular ageing changes.
What is recovery like after lip lift?
Immediately following the procedure, the upper lip will be sore and swollen to varying degrees. Swelling typically gets worse for the first several days and, in some cases, can be dramatic. However, it is a normal part of healing and not dangerous. The incision is kept clean and covered with antibacterial ointment for the first week or so. After that, activity is restricted for several days and slowly re-introduced. You should avoid exercise and exertion for approximately two weeks. The initial healing period is generally 2-3 weeks, with more satisfying results settling in around 2-3 months later. After that, the scar heals over several months to a year or more, improving with time.