When we talk about modern-day advancements in the dentistry sector, one of the first treatments that come to mind is the clip-on denture procedure. Over the past few years, dentures have become a reliable and preferred dental procedure for many. And why wouldn’t it be? Clip-on dentures help patients find their way back to their beautiful smiles conveniently.
Having a perfect set of teeth isn’t just about enhanced appearance. Along with its cosmetic benefits dentures also help improve your chewing ability, reduce oral disease risks, etc. So, if you have a crooked or missing tooth, you should consider dentures for sure. However, it is natural to have a bunch of questions such as the snap-on dentures price, the time frame for this treatment, and more initially.
We are here to guide you through your decision about getting dentures. In this article, we will highlight some basic yet crucial knowledge about clip-on dentures. Check it out now and decide if or not dentures are for you and more.
Introduction to Clip-on Dentures
Unlike conventional dentures, clip-on dentures are relatively more comfortable and easy to use. These are used for a person who’s missing or has a chipped tooth. Dentures are a prosthesis type and look very much like our natural teeth. You can talk to your dentist about the different types of dentures as well before getting your treatment done.
If you are missing all your teeth in either jaw or both, the treatment you get is a full denture. Partial dentures are another denture type used when you need dentures for a few missing teeth. Apart from these, there are immediate denture, overdenture, etc
Now, for those who are about to get clip-on dentures, you first need to learn about the common denture-related mistakes that other patients made. By going through the following mistakes, you can make your treatment more effective.
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Getting Clip-on Dentures
Choosing any Random Dentist
When you are getting clip-on dentures, teeth whitening, or any dental treatment done, the first step is to find a good dentist. Make sure you research well and choose an experienced and skilled clip-on denture service provider. Many patients often go for the first option they find which is not always the right pick.
Your chosen denture dentist must have the knowledge and technology to offer a smooth treatment. They must be capable enough to create custom dentures for your teeth, which not all dentists are. You must also check for teeth bonding for gaps cost or clip-on denture price when choosing your dentist.
Not Brushing Your Dentures Regularly
Once you have the dentures on, it is your responsibility to maintain them properly. You must brush your dentures as often as you brush your normal teeth. There is no different process or guideline about how you can brush your teeth. It should be cleaned every day at least twice like your teeth.
The only thing you need to know is to use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Make sure you brush your dentures softly and with care. Rough or hard brushing on the dentures can leave scratches on them which then cannot be fixed.
Not Getting the Right Fit
Dentures are not made in advance and sold to patients. These are custom-made to ensure it perfectly fit in your mouth. This is why after the initial evaluation, the dentist takes your mouth’s measurement for the denture. A perfect denture is such that fits easily in your mouth, doesn’t cause any discomfort, and most importantly doesn’t affect your speaking and chewing abilities on health.
So while you are at the dentist, be careful about the fitting. Let your dentist know if the denture is not fitting correctly or you feel uncomfortable. If you keep poorly fitted dentures on, it can have some major consequences later on.
Rushing Through the Adjustments
When you get clip-on dentures for the first time, the first few days will be tough. Take your time to get used to the dentures. Many people try to rush through the adjustment period because of the discomfort they feel. Some even go back to the dentist complaining. Ideally, you must give 4, 5 days to settle. However, if the pain is severe and non-stop, then you should go back to your dentist for sure.
After you start wearing the dentures, do not hesitate to speak as much as you can. The more you practice speaking with the clip-on dentures on, the quicker you will adjust. Do not panic if you feel irritation or even swelling at the start as it is a part of the adjustment process.
How to Care for Clip-on Dentures?
Knowing when and where to get clip-on dentures is vital. But it is equally necessary to know how to maintain them. Firstly, at the very least brush your dentures once a day. Do not let food residue build up on and under your denture that can, later on, lead to gum diseases and various infections. Use a non-abrasive and non-bleaching denture cleaner for cleaning.
Apart from this, do not place your denture on any surface you find, especially at night when you are sleeping. If you are not wearing them, you should have a proper place to store them. This prevents the dentures from getting dirty and also being misplaced. Try not to have the denture fall from a height as it can break or crack on heavy impact.
As far as the professional care and maintenance of the denture are concerned, you can discuss it with your denture dentist.
If you get clip-on dentures from a qualified and reputed dental service, it could be everything you need. Professionally carried out clip-on denture treatment can help you proudly flaunt your beautiful smile and feel more confident. Platinum Dental Care is a team of expert dentists with ample experience in clip-on dentures, teeth whitening, braces, and many other well-known dental procedures. You can talk to the dentists here and get clip-on dentures at affordable prices.