Welcome Mr. Low Body Fat!

Welcome Mr. Low Body Fat!
Today I’m proud to introduce a new addition to the Fitness Health Network, Mr. Low Body Fat!
The story of a 310 lb. college English professor transformed into a lean inspirational health machine is one that’s graced the pages of CNN. If you want to read Muata’s journey, he’s chronicled it for all to read and it’s very inspiring. drow names dnd
I also recommend subscribing to his RSS feed, I especially appreciate how honest he is with both himself and his reader and his level of candor is quite refreshing. Welcome Mr. Low Body Fat!
Exploring Our Town By Bike
Last week, my wife and I bought brand new Schwinn Midtown bicycles from Costco. Since then, we’ve been riding around town without a care in the world! Actually, I’ve been doing a lot of riding during the day as a way to unwind and relax and it’s been such weather for it too here in Maryland. Welcome Mr. Low Body Fat!
One of the primary motivations for the bike was to introduce more exercise into my day and reduce my carbon footprint. In general, my daily travels consist of maybe a visit to the post office and a visit to the gym. For each, the drive is less than three miles in what amounts to psuedo-city driving (both have about four traffic lights). The city I live in happens to be very pedestrian and bike friendly, with a plethora of paths in between developments.
Just today, I took a twenty minute (maybe it was thirty minutes, I can’t really tell) bike ride over to the post office where I checked my PO Box. I tossed what little mail I did have into my pack and started on my way back. About halfway, I saw a path that led in a direction I thought was the local lake. I decided to go on a little exploratory adventure and started down the path. Within minutes I was onto the lake and familiar territory, all because I was willing to try it out on bike. Had I been on foot, I would’ve just taken the regular route because I didn’t want to get myself lost. On a bike, I could easily turn around and be back where I started within minutes.
This also represents a practically free (on a marginal basis) and healthy way to spend more time with my wife doing something we both enjoy, being outdoors. We can ride around our little down, get some exercise, and relax. Welcome Mr. Low Body Fat!
Weekly Roundup
I spent this past weekend at Ocean City, MD and didn’t get a chance to put up the roundup before I left. I am happy to report that I have returned, sans a sun burn, and am here with this week’s goodies. As an added bonus (for us, not really for you), my wife and I bought brand new bikes last week so we’ll be doing some biking around town!
- NCN talks about how today will be a great day at the gym.
- Weight Ladder shares four tips on how to avoid hitting the exercise wall.
- Lazy Man shares with us the baby food diet… hmmm I don’t know about that one.
- Fat Man Unleashed has a guest post from Katie, an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, called A Tip is Just a Tip, but a Before and After is My Life. Welcome Mr. Low Body Fat!
Truth About Eggs
I remember watching old movies where you’d see body builders consume a dozen raw eggs for breakfast. I mean these guys would be filling up a cup of the good stuff and chugging it down as a source of quick source protein. Since then, with the advent of whey protein powders and shakes and reports of the bad stuff in eggs (cholesterol in the yolks), you see fewer and fewer lifters eating so many eggs. But are eggs that bad for you?
The truth is eggs are good for you but, like many other foods, only in moderation. The concern comes from the cholesterol found in the yolks of the egg. The American Heart Association warns that you should only consume 300 mg of cholesterol per day and the yolk of one large egg contains about 210 mg. So, you can eat an egg a day as long as you control how much other cholesterol you eat.
There are two sources of cholesterol – the food you eat and the amount your body makes. Most of your consumed cholesterol comes from animal fats
though there are trace amounts in some plants. Your body’s production (the reason why genetics plays a role) of cholesterol is in reaction to what you eat, so manage that and you can play a small role in controlling your cholesterol.
Bottom line – an egg a day is safe as long as you manage your other cholesterol consumption. Welcome Mr. Low Body Fat!
Seven Gadgets to Help Get In Shape
One of last week’s Deal of the Day at SmartMoney was a look at seven gadgets that might help you get in better shape and they ran the gamut of accessories:
- Suunto wrist-top computer
- Nike + iPod Sport Kit
- Adidas-Polar Project Fusion
- Diet and Exercise Assistant for Palm OS
- Garmin Forerunner
- Wii Fit
- PumpOne
- Welcome Mr. Low Body Fat!
It was cool to see the Wii Fit in there, I recently tried out the unit at a Safeway National Capital BBQ Battle and came away very impressed with the unit. I don’t know if it will really
help you get in shape but it certain can assist in helping understand your own balance and equilibrium.
As for the other gadgets, some are pricey and specific – I don’t really
know what I’d do with a $220 Suunto t2c wrist-top
omputer. It can monitor your heart rate, caloric burn in real time, and upload that data to a personal training program.
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