Why reduce your alcohol consumption:
Reducing or stopping your alcohol consumption has many benefits, whether you are looking to get out of addiction, improve your lifestyle, health, emotional well-being, and feel better about yourself: loss of weight, brighter complexion, reduction of bags under the eyes drug addiction.
In the long term, alcohol consumption can have serious consequences: cancer (esophagus, mouth, throat, etc.), liver diseases (cirrhosis) and pancreas, cardiovascular disorders, mental disorders (depression, anxiety, etc.), cognitive disorders (reduction of cognitive and learning abilities).
Total abstention from alcohol is also recommended during pregnancy to preserve the health of mother and baby, to avoid growth delays, malformation, or damage to the central nervous system. Saint John’s Recovery Place, also known as SJRP, is all about helping the community learn and heal from drug and alcohol abuse and addiction.
The effects of alcohol withdrawal:
If you finally make up your mind to take charge of your health and quit alcohol. You know you will have to go through a difficult period: that of withdrawal.
Withdrawal in a person dependent on alcohol may need medical attention. And its duration varies from person to person. Depending on the degree of alcohol dependence. Withdrawal can be more or less long and difficult. For people who have been drinking for a long time. Withdrawal symptoms may appear after decreasing or stopping alcohol consumption.
Symptoms can range from a simple ” hangover “to “uncomplicated” withdrawal symptoms such as tremors, sweating, craving, temporary confusion … or to an alcohol withdrawal syndrome that can occur. ” with epileptic seizures or pre-delirium (see delirium tremens. (The most serious alcohol withdrawal syndrome and requiring medical help). Certain herbs like kudzu can help reduce addiction.
Plants to help alcohol withdrawal:
The Kudzu is a plant native to Asia, used in Chinese medicine to fight against allergies. Migraines, febrile states, vomiting, tinnitus, hypertension, diarrhea, and addictions.
In Chinese, Kudzu translates to “drunkenness dissipater”. The northern Chinese used to consume it to treat “hangover”. We use the tuber of the kudzu root, reduced to powder.
It is very rich in is flavones, molecules with strong antioxidant power. In particular daidzein (anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial). genistein (which said to have anti-cancer properties). And purring (used in China to treat disorders cardiovascular and coronary heart disease).
It is its richness in is flavones, in particular in purring, of which it is the only natural source. Which would be responsible for its anti-addictive properties.
According to some studies, is flavones calm and soothe the nervous system. They act on neurotransmitters linked to addiction. Such as glutamate, serotonin, GABA, to reduce the symptoms of irritability. And withdrawal associated with the withdrawal phase drug addiction.
They also have strong antioxidant power, exert a detoxifying action on the liver, allowing cells to be better protected against oxidative stress (linked for example to the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, etc.).
It is advisable to take 3 capsules per day, in cures of 2 to 3 months.
Liver tea to boost detoxification:
It is ideal too with your alcohol withdrawal protocol with a detoxification cure. to help the body recover from alcohol abuse. It is so advisable to help particularly the liver which is the major filter of our organism. it is also an organ that can be very weakened by the regular consumption of alcohol.
The liver herbal tea is a must in herbalism. It made a cure with the changes of season. or as soon as one feels the need for a big internal cleaning. Or even after too copious and/or watering meals. There are two great allied plants of the liver: artichoke and rosemary. Artichoke is a bitter plant that supports both phases of the liver. Detoxification helps the body to better drop toxins. Rosemary stimulates the liver, cerebral circulation, and revitalizes. The Peppermint is energizing and aids digestion. The chamomile Roman improves digestion and calms nervousness and irritability drug addiction.
The natural bitterness of this herbal tea softened the freshness of peppermint. You can also add a few drops of lemon.
Preparation of liver herbal tea:
To drain the liver, it is advisable to increase the number of plants. Per cup as well as the infusion time. We start with 1tsp of plants for 250 ml of simmering water, let infuse for 5 minutes. We increase to a level of plants per cup, for an infusion time of 10 minutes. Drink 1 to 3 cups a day, 15 minutes before meals. In the cure of 3 weeks.
The liver herbal tea is not recommended for pregnant. And breastfeeding women, as well as for children. If you suffer from gallstones, ask your doctor for advice on drug addiction.
Stop Smoking herbal tea:
Excessive alcohol consumption also weakens and inflames. The mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts. Stop smoking herbal tea facilitates withdrawal. Thanks to its calming action on the nervous system, and soothes the respiratory tract. The lemon balm and fragrant Woodruff scented plants drug addiction. And participating in soothe nervous tension irritability. Sleep disturbances can occur in times of alcohol withdrawal. The lemon balm soothes sensitive intestines. Which may have weakened excessive alcohol consumption in particular. The odorous woodruff calms the nervous system and stimulates the liver. Eucalyptus leaves, White Bouillon, and Mallow complete. This synergy thanks to their soothing properties of the respiratory tract.