The Successful Dissertation Student Characteristics
The Successful Dissertation Student Characteristics

It takes dedication, excellence, and intelligence to make it to the dissertation stage of your education. As you’ve surely seen, most students are unable to endure and make it this far. So what sets apart your average student from one who can complete the coursework, and turn in a successful dissertation and continue on to a future career? There are several characteristics you, the student, should strive to achieve in order to complete a successful dissertation.
Take Control of Your Future
It is important to take your future into your own hands. Don’t allow excuses or difficulties to interfere with the progress on your dissertation help. You may have problems meeting the impossible standards of your chairperson, problems getting in touch with your chairperson, or other dynamics that can prove difficult. You must realize that you alone are responsible for your outcome, and making sure that everything is done on time. Stick to your word, keep your appointments, and submit your drafts on time. Take time daily to work on your dissertation, and know your study inside and out. Commit to being dependable, and don’t let life get in the way of your dissertation. You’ve come too far to give up so close to the end.
Action research offers a solid and useful format for the ongoing development of almost anything therefore, it is very useful as the basic underlying way of working for a group of people developing together a three chapter proposal, and then five chapter dissertation. This article gives a basic overview structure of employing action research for such a purpose. Future articles will work the specifics needed for each of the first three chapters of the dissertation proposal. There are three basic steps to action research which will be discussed here: discovery, measurable action, and reflection.
Be Willing to Postpone Some Activities
Your dissertation will require daily time for writing, revising, researching and organizing your thoughts and ideas coherently. This time spent on your dissertation means you must be willing to give up some other activities that take up time during your day. Decide beforehand what you are willing to give up to complete your dissertation. You may need to drop a commitment, sport, hobby or leisure activity to be disciplined and work on your dissertation. It’s a small price to pay to meet your goals. Your dissertation won’t last forever. If you’re not willing to give up something, whether it’s television, your golf game or sleep, you won’t see results. And not to worry, once you have completed your dissertation and graduated, you can pick these activities back up.
Don’t Ever Give Up
You’re certain to experience delays, failures and major life events that may hinder you working on your dissertation. It’s important to realize these events can and will occur, and be sure not to let things like accidents, a wedding, divorce or even unemployment get in the way of completing your dissertation on time. You must be persistent.
Many authors have written that the doctoral journey is a lonely one, yet it doesn’t have to be. It is this authors hope that be revealing simple processes that small study groups can use, more will form them. The use of action research as a foundation for your work together will make all the difference in the groups ability to move forward quickly.
It is likely that by the end of week five you will have a pretty solid draft of the chapter. If this is so, your group may decide that rather than to meet in Week 6 your time would be better spent showing the draft to other people, specifically your advisor, or researchers who have done this specific kind of research you think you want to do, for their feedback.
The measurement of your study groups first weeks actions will be how easy it in for you to quickly outline, or draft some writing under each heading in the following week. Don’t allow yourself to get bogged down. When you don’t know what to say just move on to the next section.
Your individual work between sessions is to dig deeper into the particular issues you face, and come back with resources and ideas that you think will help the others as well.
Author Bio:
Jade Wyatt is a business major who offers dissertation writing help to students struggling with their dissertations. She aims to help students improve their academic achievements and grow intellectually as well as financially.