Don’t Snack on Trail Mix

Don’t Snack on Trail Mix
On my desk is a bag of PLanter’s Trail Mix – Fruit and Nut. It’s a pretty good medley of nuts and fruit actually, some peanuts, raisins, banana chips, cashews, pineapple, cranberries and even some papaya. It’s absolutely delicious. It’s also jam packed with a lot of fat (good and bad fats), calories, and sugar. Fortunately it doesn’t have much salt otherwise I’d give myself a heart attack considering all the caffeine I drink in the morning (just kidding!). drow names dnd
Trail mix is delicious but it’s also heavy on calories. Three tablespoons (28g) has 140 calories, 9 grams of fat (2.5g saturated), and 13g of carbs of which 10g is sugar. The dangerous part about trail mix is that you could end up eating the whole bag, all 6 oz., and not even realize it. There are six servings in the bag so you’d be talking about half of your caloric intake (assuming 2000 calorie day) in one sitting. Just snacking.
This is the same concerns some have about dried fruits. Since the fruit is dried, it takes up less space in your stomach so you end up snacking on way more than you should be. The fruit is also packed with sugars and calories so you unknowingly consume a tremendous amount of calories just snacking. While it’s better than snacking on potato chips or chocolate bars, it’s not something you want to make a habit of.
Those calories do come in handy when you’re actually hiking on a trail though!
Weekly Roundup: FullBars, Squats, and a Book Review
Israel received a box of FullBars, a product created by Dr. Michael Snyder. It’s designed to make you feel full and Israel says it does a great job of doing just that.
Lazy Man shares the right way to do squats. “Squats are perhaps one of the most misunderstood strength training exercises. They can be very beneficial if done properly, but there are a lot of misconceptions out there. If you’re not doings squats the right way, you can risk painful injury and you won’t be getting the full benefit of the exercise. Here are some tips on how to make sure you are doing squats the right way.”
Weight Ladder reviews Eating for Life By Bill Phillips. “This book made Bob Phillips a household name and we thought it was a good idea to revisit this book and see how it compares to the latest diet books on the market.”
Finally, Mac writes a poignant post “Why Am I Fat?” with a heck of an opening line –
Israel received a box of FullBars, a product created by Dr. Michael Snyder.
Lazy Man shares the right way to do squats. “Squats are perhaps one of the most misunderstood strength training exercises. They can be very beneficial if done properly, but there are a lot of misconceptions out there. If you’re not doings squats the right way, you can risk painful injury and you won’t be getting the full benefit of the exercise. Here are some tips on how to make sure you are doing squats the right way.”
Weight Ladder reviews Eating for Life By Bill Phillips. “This book made Bob Phillips a household name and we thought it was a good idea to revisit this book and see how it compares to the latest diet books on the market.”
Finally, Mac writes a poignant post “Why Am I Fat?” with a heck of an opening line –
Israel received a box of FullBars, a product created by Dr. Michael Snyder. It’s designed to make you feel full and Israel says it does a great job of doing just that.
Lazy Man shares the right way to do squats. “Squats are perhaps one of the most misunderstood strength training exercises. They can be very beneficial if done properly, but there are a lot of misconceptions out there. If you’re not doings squats the right way, you can risk painful injury and you won’t be getting the full benefit of the exercise. Here are some tips on how to make sure you are doing squats the right way.”
Weight Ladder reviews Eating for Life By Bill Phillips. “This book made Bob Phillips a household name and we thought it was a good idea to revisit this book and see how it compares to the latest diet books on the market.”
Finally, Mac writes a poignant post “Why Am I Fat?” with a heck of an opening line –
Israel received a box of FullBars
, a product created by Dr. Michael Snyder. It’s designed to make you feel full and Israel says it does a great job of doing just that.
Lazy Man shares the right way to do squats. “Squats are perhaps one of the most misunderstood strength training exercises. They can be very beneficial if done properly, but there are a lot of misconceptions out there. If you’re not doings squats the right way, you can risk painful injury and you won’t be getting the full benefit of the exercise. Here are some tips on how to make sure you are doing squats the right way.”
Weight Ladder reviews Eating for Life By Bill Phillips. “This book made Bob Phillips a household name and we thought it was a good idea to revisit this book and see how it compares to the latest diet books on the market.”
Finally, Mac writes a poignant post “Why Am I Fat?” with a heck of an opening line –
Read More : getloadedinthepark