Health and Fitness

When Do You Need A 24 Hour Emergency Dentist Near Me?

Have you ever spent the night in the dentist’s chair? If not, consider yourself lucky – it’s not the most comfortable place to be if you don’t have to be there! Unfortunately, even if you do have regular dentist appointments, emergencies can still happen – and when they do, it’s important to know what to do. This guide details several dental emergencies that may require you to visit an emergency dentist near me immediately so that you can get your situation under control as quickly as possible. So what are some of these situations? Let’s find out. A 24 hour emergency dentist near me should be able to help with these common dental emergencies:

1) Preventative Care Is The Best Cure

One of the biggest reasons you might end up in an emergency dentist’s office is because you’ve avoided preventive care. Not getting a checkup or cleaning on schedule will always lead to bigger problems later, like tooth decay and infections that can cause everything from serious pain to significant damage to your smile. If you’re one of those people who waits six months between checkups, make sure you always have an emergency dentist near me number saved in your phone. It just might save your teeth. In emergency cases, we recommend reaching out to a dental emergency room if they are open 24 hours.

-Dental Pain: Toothaches are one of the most common dental emergencies. They usually arise after neglecting oral hygiene or brushing incorrectly for too long.

2) Broken Teeth

Broken teeth are almost always an emergency. Depending on where your tooth is broken, you could experience pain, swelling, and bleeding—which can lead to infection if not treated right away. Swelling can prevent you from opening your mouth properly, while bleeding can lead to dehydration and shock. With these complications in mind, if you suspect that one of your teeth is broken, it’s important to see a dentist right away. Never try to fix or manipulate a broken tooth yourself; doing so could increase bleeding and damage surrounding tissue or nerves inside your mouth. If you need emergency dental care for a broken tooth, contact the emergency dentist open 24 hours near me at ____. They will be able to assess your situation and determine whether it needs to be addressed now or if they can wait until their next scheduled appointment. Call today and check this site!

3) Tooth Abscesses

When bacteria enter your mouth, they can attach to your teeth or gums. Once an infection has formed, it may result in swelling, pain and tenderness around your infected tooth. If not treated immediately, it could lead to an abscess which causes more extensive damage. Fortunately, a dentist will be able to drain an abscess in order to relieve pain and treat infection; however, you should avoid putting off treatment as your condition can worsen over time.

An emergency dentist open 24 hours near me is best equipped for treating an abscess quickly. These dental emergencies need prompt attention because the longer you wait to address them, the more likely the infection will spread throughout your body. The next most common dental emergency is traumatic injuries such as chipped teeth, knocked out teeth, or broken jaws. Injuries that are severe enough may require surgery; otherwise your dentist will focus on fixing any fractured bone by removing any pieces of bone from inside the tooth socket. In addition to repairing any physical injury, it’s important to have these types of injuries repaired before the nerve tissue starts dying and causing serious complications.

4) Severe Oral Pain

When you experience severe pain in your mouth, it can be difficult to sleep, concentrate and perform daily tasks. In some cases, particularly if you’re in extreme pain or an infection is involved, you may need to visit an emergency dentist near me. If your symptoms aren’t subsiding after three days of standard over-the-counter treatment, it’s important to see a dental professional as soon as possible; they can examine your teeth and gums with magnification and help get you on track to feeling better.

If something more serious is going on—perhaps even damage or infection of some sort—you will need treatment from someone who specializes in dentistry beyond what is offered at most general practices. An oral surgeon would be the best option for this type of condition, so make sure you know where to find one before anything happens. And while we’re on the subject of pain, keep in mind that toothaches are also considered emergencies and should be addressed right away. With any kind of toothache, you should seek relief immediately by taking ibuprofen (which helps decrease inflammation) or acetaminophen (which reduces fevers).

A gum disease diagnosis is not typically considered an emergency situation unless there are visible signs that indicate a life-threatening problem such as pus coming out of the gum line or constant unexplained abscesses popping up all over your jawbone. But just because it’s not urgent doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be addressed ASAP.

Injuries are usually easy to spot when looking for immediate attention: lacerations, missing teeth, fractures, etc.

5) Infections

The most common problem at an emergency dentist office is a tooth infection. The infection can be so painful that you need to see an emergency dentist near me. The reason is that dentists do not always have time to wait for you to get into your regular dental care provider. Common symptoms of tooth infections include tenderness, swelling, redness and visible pus around your teeth or gums; it may even feel like a sharp pain when you eat or drink cold liquids or warm foods.

If you experience any of these symptoms, go straight to an emergency dentist office near me. An infection can spread quickly if left untreated and may result in abscesses. And bone loss if not treated promptly and properly. The bacteria from the infected area can also affect other parts of the body such as your lungs and kidneys. Which could lead to life-threatening complications. Broken teeth: A broken tooth is another common dental emergency. But the severity will depend on how deep the crack goes down into the root canal. If you break a tooth that has no underlying issues, there’s no urgency.

6) Other Emergencies

It’s one thing to hurt your tooth and need an emergency dentist open 24 hours near me. But there are other types of dental emergencies that require prompt attention, including those that involve infections. Such as: Tooth pain – Toothaches are often caused by cavities (caries), which can be filled with root canal therapy. Dental abscesses – These common infections occur when harmful bacteria get into a tooth and form pus. Swelling – This is usually due to exposed nerves, or pulpitis; it is extremely painful and can be indicative of gum disease. Osteomyelitis or other conditions that could result in losing teeth. Gum Disease – Periodontal disease is an infection that starts on the gums and spreads through the bone supporting the teeth. Severe periodontal disease, if left untreated, may lead to missing teeth or even death.

Wisdom Teeth – Wisdom teeth may cause problems if they come in at an awkward angle. Leading to gum irritation or overcrowding of other molars. Abscessed wisdom tooth – If a wisdom tooth becomes infected with bacteria it will cause swelling around the infected area.

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