What You Need to Know About Bacopa Monnieri Plant

A popular plant known for its herbal benefits, Bacopa Monnieri plant is an aquatic herb that is usually used as an attractive decoration in ponds and aquaria. Also referred to as Water Hyssop, and coming literally from its name, it is a creeping, low-growing perennial herb that is native to wetland environments. This is the reason why they generally grow emersed and submerged in several inches of water, lending itself well to ornamental aquariums and ponds. Because it is also attractive with its little, bell-shaped white flowers, it also looks great in hanging baskets or container plants. In contrast with the attractive appearance of the Bacopa Monnieri plant, its flowers are non-aromatic. The Bacopa Monnieri plant is native to the wetlands of southern and Eastern India, Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, and North and South America. They bloom mostly from mid-spring through fall, while for mild climates, it blooms all year-round.
The Bacopa Monnieri plant is typically used as a medicinal solution in India, and is being researched for antioxidant properties that has the ability to help the nervous system, improving memory and mental functions. It actually has a wide history being utilized as an herbal solution for certain conditions in relation to the nervous system. The herb is continuously used to enhance brain functions up until now, as people discovered the development of different ways of consumption of the Bacopa Monnieri plant. People integrated the medicinal values of this plant to supplements, and even herbal teas.
Growing Bacopa Monnieri Plant
Since the Bacopa Monnieri plant commonly grows in wetland environments, propagation is usually the recommended method to grow them rather than seed growth. The Bacopa seeds tend to be very small, thus, successful germination can be hard to achieve. They are small and delicate as well. Therefore, you should be careful in positioning them in cases where you propagate them.
But then, growing Water Hyssop from seeds is still possible to achieve. You just have to consider certain factors on this. It’s fast-growing and has a complex root system, which is why you should plant them at least six inches apart. The seeds should be scattered close to the surface. Also, the soil should be kept moist to achieve a healthy growing Bacopa Monnieri plant.
Harvesting Bacopa Monnieri
In harvesting the Bacopa Monnieri plant, it is recommended to just harvest the leaves initially. Though the flowers can be picked as well, it is best to collect them at the right season. The crop can be harvested two to three months, or 75 to 90 days after planting. They should be reaped when plants attain a length of 20-30 cm. The whole plant should be pulled out, uprooted, or scraped off manually. Then, it should be dried through spreading them on a clean area, or sheets in the sun for about four to five days. It is followed by shade drying for the next 7 to 10 days.
For storage, it must be placed in clean containers. The leaves of this plant can be edible and consumed either raw or cooked. It sometimes does not give out flavorsome elements, but it can provide you with medicinal properties.
History of Bacopa Monnieri as an Herbal Solution
Over the years of research and study as to how the Bacopa Monnieri plant can become an herbal solution for certain conditions, it has finally been introduced as both a medicinal herb and an ornamental plant. The history of Bacopa started when it has been used in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, for over a thousand years. In Ayurvedic medicine, Bacopa was referred to as “Brahmi”, named after Brahma, the Hindu creator god. According to this system, Bacopa is a useful herb consumed to treat ulcers, tumors, indigestion, inflammation, and anemia. Indian practitioners also considered Bacopa to be of help in supporting speech disorders, mental tiredness, epilepsy and convulsions, reduction of blood sugar, digestive issues, and cancer prevention. It is known to be beneficial for skin care as well.
In traditional systems of medicine, every part of the Bacopa plant has medicinal properties. In India, people also use Bacopa in cooking for flavor and added health benefits.
Therapeutic Uses
The Bacopa Monnieri plant, once converted to something consumable, is known to be an intellect promoter, enhancing memory and cognitive ability. Numerous studies have shown that Bacopa has a nootropic effect in adults and children, which improves brain health. Actually, the cognitive effects of Bacopa Monnieri have the ability to improve multitasking stress reactivity. It also reduces anxiety during demanding cognitive tasks, which enables people to do multiple tasks at once.
Moreover, it also imposes effects in relation to stress and anxiety. Bacopa can reduce the perception of stress and treat people suffering from anxiety. It is considered as an adaptogenic herb. This means that it can increase your body’s resistance to stress. It gives out the ability to help prevent anxiety and stress overall. Consuming this herb has been proven to elevate the mood and relax the mind as well. It regulates the levels of cortisol, which is referred to as the primary stress hormone of the body. Moreover, it also has the power to decrease perceptions of stress while performing certain tasks.
Key Takeaway
Overall, the Bacopa Monnieri plant is very beneficial, in terms of making ponds and aquaria attractive, and treating certain brain-related conditions. It is easy to grow and harvest as well. Moreover, studies and research have been limited to prove that they are really effective. But then, there is no harm in trying how well it will be working in your body. It is unlikely to cause serious side effects, thus, it is worth a try. Especially if you want to enhance your mental sharpness, reduce stress levels, or if you suffer from anxiety or depression.