Health and Fitness

10 Best Foods to Increase Sperm Count

Foods to Increase Sperm Count

Sperm Count: You should know that you’re not alone if you and your partner are having trouble conceiving. Most individuals are unaware that infertility is more common than they think.

It affects roughly one out of every six couples, with experts estimating that one out of every three instances is related to male partner reproductive issues alone.

One of the most crucial elements affecting fertility is sperm quality. The reproductive system, like every other organ in the human body, is dependent on the minerals and vitamins it receives. Foods can have a positive impact on a person’s reproductive health. It can enhance sperm count, motility, and quality by increasing testosterone production.

While infertility cannot always be cured, there are certain things you may do to increase your chances of becoming pregnant. A balanced diet, vitamins, and other lifestyle measures can occasionally help improve fertility.

This post outlines some of the most significant lifestyle variables—foods, minerals, and supplements—which can improve sperm count and, ultimately, the chances of fertility. But first, we’ll see which factors determine sperm health and the causes of low sperm count.

Which Factors Determine Sperm Health?

Although there may be some differences between labs, a normal sperm count is around 20–150 million sperm per millilitre of a sperm sample.

A condition known as azoospermia occurs when a man’s sperm sample contains no sperm. Although low sperm counts may affect male fertility, many men are still able to impregnate their partners because fertility is mainly determined by the quality of sperm cells.

Other variables that influence sperm health, in addition to sperm count, include:

  • Mobility- Sperm cells must be mobile in order to travel through a woman’s reproductive system, reach the egg (ovum), and fertilize it.
  • Morphology- The morphology, or structure, of the sperm must be standard, which means it must have an oval head and a lengthy tail that work together to drive it forward.

60% of the sperm cells in a healthy sperm sample must have adequate motility and normal morphology.

Causes of Low Sperm Count-

  • Mumps scars, sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia, and urinary tract infections can obstruct the fragile tubes that transport sperm from the testes to the penis.
  • Spinal cord injury, diabetes, and certain operations might obstruct sperm flow and cause retrograde ejaculation (ejaculation that occurs backwards).
  • While most hereditary reasons for poor or absent sperm production are uncommon, male infertility is widespread due to several chronic diseases or drugs used to treat them.
  • Surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy, which can save a man’s life, can kill sperm cells and drastically reduce sperm count.
  • Varicocele is a thickening of the veins that drain the testicles and is one of the most prevalent causes of male infertility.
  • Hormones control sperm production, and hormonal signals between the brain, pituitary, and testicles can occasionally delay or even stop working.
  • Certain lifestyles and career habits put men at risk for infertility, and a low sperm count might make becoming a father challenging.

Foods That Increase Sperm Count-


Folic acid is necessary for the formation of healthy sperm. Folic acid is abundant in leafy vegetables, and spinach is an excellent supplement to take into your diet. Higher folic acid levels also lower the quantity of defective sperm in the semen, boosting the sperm’s chances of successfully penetrating the egg.


Asparagus is a vitamin C-rich vegetable that possesses a lot of sperm-beneficial properties. It fights free radicals while protecting testicular cells, resulting in good sperm counts, motility, and quality. It will be enough with just 3-4 spears in your dish. Steamed, roasted, or even grilled, it’s excellent.


Avocado is a fantastic source of vital fatty acids, which are essential for the production of sperm. It’s trendy and delicious. Your guacamole is high in magnesium and potassium, as well as vitamins K, B6, B9, C, and E.


Vitamins A, B1, and C found in bananas aid in the production of healthier and stronger sperm cells. These vitamins also affect sperm count. Bananas are high in these vitamins and include bromelain, an uncommon enzyme. This enzyme helps the body increase sperm quality and count while preventing inflammation.


Berries are truly nature’s candy, with so many varieties to pick from. Whatever berry you like, they are all high in antioxidants, as well as vitamins C and K, folate, magnesium, and potassium. Berries are tasty, low-sugar delights that are also anti-inflammatory. Once a day, have a cup of this delectable treat.

Dark Chocolate:

Dark chocolate includes L-Arginine HCl, an amino acid that has been demonstrated to aid improve sperm count and volume. Consumption in small amounts can help sperm count to some extent. With all of the antioxidant advantages of dark chocolate, it should be a necessity for increasing sperm counts. To obtain the perks of antioxidant polyphenols and flavonols, 70% cacao is excellent.


Nuts are a rich source of protein and healthy fats. Healthy fat is required for the production of the cell membrane of sperm cells. These omega-3 fatty acids also boost blood flow to the testicles, which helps to enhance sperm volume. The arginine content of walnuts promotes sperm count growth. Walnuts’ antioxidants also aid in the removal of pollutants from the blood.

Pumpkin Seeds:

Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterol, a substance that has been shown to boost testosterone levels in the body. This increase in testosterone helps to boost sperm count and fertility. The Omega-3 fatty acids included in these seeds help improve blood circulation and semen volume.

Maca Roots:

Maca root is a Peruvian medicinal plant with a long history of usage in traditional medicine as a libido stimulant and sperm quality improver. It’s a powdered root vegetable with a somewhat nutty flavour. Men who use this plant as a supplement have a higher volume of sperm and better motility in their sperm.

Olive Oil:

Who’d have guessed that smashing olives could provide such a potent superfood? Olive oil is the most nutritious and healthiest of all the oils. EVOO, or Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, is made from the initial pressing of olives and is unrefined. EVOO is a fantastic oil to incorporate into your daily fat diet because of the omega-9 fatty acid oleic, as well as vitamin E and its enormous anti-inflammatory properties.

Foods to Avoid

While the meals listed above have been demonstrated to improve sperm count and quality, these four foods (and drinks) have been shown to harm male fertility. For the time being, ignore the following if you’re attempting to conceive.

  • Fried meals, despite their appeal, have been linked to a reduction in sperm production.
  • Full-fat dairy products include oestrogen, a hormone that might affect sperm count. Limiting your consumption is a good idea, but it’s not the same as eliminating it!
  • Processed meats aren’t great for sperm counts. Deli meats, sausages, bacon, canned meats, and meat jerky are among them. Right now, try to consume a clean diet that is free of processed foods.
  • Alcohol has been shown to reduce testosterone and have an influence on sperm count and quality.
In Conclusion,

You should have a male fertility exam and semen analysis at Banker IVF if you’ve been trying to conceive for more than a year or six months if your spouse is over 35. The fertility experts over there can quickly examine sperm health data and provide recommendations based on the results.

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