10 Work Etiquettes To Follow When You Are Working

Australia is a very popular destination for studying and establishing a career. there are lots of attractive opportunities for international students. There are many prospects in Australia for studying and working simultaneously for the overseas students.it is a great way to earn money along with studying. international students. also follows certain etiquettes at the work places for a positive impact and experience.
Its not old fashioned or stuffy and boring to follow proper etiquettes. In fact, it establishes you as a respectful person if you showcase of appropriate work etiquettes only. person is also considerate of other people and also has a respect for their culture and traditions.
Australian work place etiquettes for students
- Punctuality:
The Australian work places acknowledge and expect the employees to come on time. The Australian people in general are very punctual and do not appreciate late arrivals. when you attend business meetings you can follow same rules. Punctuality is seen by many online platforms, like my most favorite online assignment platform is Abc assignment help. assignment help is done by team of experts which help me to get good grades.
- Hand Shake:
If you are meeting someone at work place, shake the hand. It is also perfectly fine to shake hands with elder people too. In Australia people usually prefer firm handshake. In business etiquette, handshakes are the physical greetings that always go along with your words. Remember that business handshakes make as one of the most important part of your first impression at the work place. Being an international student it becomes even more important.
Shake hands when you..
- meeting for the first time with somebody.
- renewing a contact.
- a client or a customer enters your office or cubicle.
- you are greeting a host when you are being introduced to people at an event or a meeting.
- meeting someone from work place outside office.
- ending a meeting or leaving a business or social event.
In Australian business etiquettes a hand shake requires the following:
- Hold out your right hand towards the person.
- This should not be too early or too later as it may project you as nervous and unfriendly. Shake hands as you just meet the person and lean forward just a little and then hold out your right hand.
- Hand shake must not be too loose or too tight. Make sure to never grasp just the other person’s fingers. Keep your fingers firm, not loose like a dead fish.
- In business settings, don not put your other hand over other person’s hand or upper arm. This kind of two handed shake must be saved for people you know personally.
- Jokes:
Humor is generally a part of work place culture to keep things light hearted and lively. But you must refrain from jokes at the work place that are or might be proved racial, discriminatory an offensive. jokes can spoil the relations at work place and must be avoided at all costs.
- Greetings:
Australians are not very formal even at the work place. This gives an advantage of keeping the greetings casual and relaxed. A handshake and a smile are appropriate for greetings.
However, an Australian may say, ‘g’day’ or ‘g’day, mate’, but if said by a foreigner or an international student it may sound patronizing. Visitors should stick to the traditional ‘Hello’ or ‘Hello, how are you?’ For titles of courtesy, prefer to use first names, even at the initial meeting.
- Dress Appropriately:
Clothes at the work place hold importance in that they are a part of nonverbal communication. They hold a great place in enhancing an international student’s professional reputation. also helps in building the professional relations. Always find out what the dress code is at the event, meeting and make sure you dress appropriately according to the guidelines.
- Good Eye Contact:
It is very important for Australians to have a good eye contact during a conversation. It is important for the international students to keep this minor but important etiquette at the work place. The international students must therefore make sure to look into eyes of the person while having a conversation, specially at the work place. This makes it evident that you are interested in talking.
- Phone calls:
Manage your phone calls, text messages, social media chats during break times. Keeping the phone on silent mode during work hours are a great idea. The team of experts of every subject assignment is also there who attend the phone calls of every student. The team give My Assignment help to every student.
- Use of Polite Words:
Saying polite words like “Please” and “Thank You” are very common in work place culture in Australia. Furthermore, it is always good to apologize if something goes wrong at the work place.
- Making Contacts:
Making new contacts is always a good practice at work place and must be a continuous process. don’t give your business card if you meet a new person as an overseas student. The practice of exchanging business cards is not very common in Australian work place culture.
- Conversation from a distance:
When working in Australia, the international students must keep a minimum distance with colleagues while conversing.
Australia Work place culture in very relaxed and comfortable. But while working in Australia we need to follow etiquettes. to blend into the work place and enjoy the job while learning aplenty the international students can easily adapt these etiquettes.