Often we have a bad idea about salespeople …tips to sell more
He’s the guy trying to sell us something we don’t really want …
And unfortunately sometimes it is rightly …
There are people who have bad practices and I myself had this feeling there in my professional career.
I started by going door to door, and I sold facade cladding for houses.
It was really very complicated, and I only stayed for 7 months, and I can tell you that these 7 months were very formative …
We use funnel sales techniques, and I really wondered about myself …
I wondered if this was really the trade, because it was my first experience after leaving school …
Through these sales techniques we manage to convince the customer to sign, to the point that my boss fired me because I had canceled an order form signed by a lady who really did not have the means (she was over-indebted with 3 children, she really did not need my services …)
It was a bit like in the movie “The Gates of Glory”:
2 – The first piece of advice for sellers: believe in your product.
My first advice is therefore to believe in your product.
If we are not intrinsically and deeply convinced of what we are selling, and that we are there to serve our customers, we cannot sell a product well.
You have to be sure that this product brings more value to the customer compared to what he is currently paying, or the money he is losing if he does not use your product or the time he is wasting unnecessarily now .
I’ll give you an example.
If I take you a plastic cup and hide 20 euros in it but without telling you.
I’m going to ask you to pay me 5 or 10 euros for this cup, but you’re going to tell me that it’s not worth it …
But if I have $ 20 in the goblet, I know I won’t have any qualms about pushing it because I’ll be convinced you’ll get a good deal.
I try to teach my customers this feeling about their products and that as long as salespeople don’t have this feeling, they will have a hard time sweating this enthusiasm, this momentum around the product and being able to argue about it.
Knowing that one must always under promise and over deliver.
If we promise too much and the customer is disappointed, then there will be “resentment” and negative word of mouth… and a lost customer for future sales!
3 – The second piece of advice for salespeople: make your customer talk and listen.
My tip number 2 is a double tip because we often find ourselves in parties, (like the Web 2 Connect one) and we don’t really know how to approach people …tips to sell more
And when we have been introduced, we don’t really know what to say …
So to have topics of conversation, it is first to approach the subjects of the professional sphere, and then the more “personal”.
So we start talking about the present like “‘What are you doing today?’ / “You easily found the room” / “You found how the evening” /…
But we will also go into the past with:
– “What did you do before?” ,
– “What brought you to XXX? ‘”
It brings more interest, and it changes the usual conversation.
Then you can evoke the future with “What are your perspectives and projects for the coming year?”
This is the first brick and once we have started to bond with the person, we will try to find common points between the person and you.
It could be “You are a fan of XXX, I love it too” or “It’s funny, my brother is a fan of XXX too”
But it has to be true, we agree!
You should still avoid doing like strangers and always saying “I have the same at home”:
4 – The third tip for sellers: take an interest in your customers’ problems.
The third is totally in line with advice number 2, that is to say that if you want to be a good salesperson, you must have a sincere interest in others.
You must listen.
80% of the time of a first date should be spent listening
It is a meeting of discovery, because the solution comes from the customer and rarely from the seller.
You will have to capture the “real” problem and the “minor problems”, and write them down in your notebook or CRM.
To then take up the problem again at the end of the meeting:
“ If I understood correctly, you can’t do XXX, and you need to do YYY and ZZZ. Currently this problem is costing you VVV of money per month. I can help you because it is possible to act by doing WWWW with our product XYZ. This product will allow you to AZERT. “
Knowing how to listen is essential and tips to sell more for final expense leads.
A good salesperson is someone who knows how to listen, he is a servant, he helps find solutions.
The 2.0 salesperson is someone who finds solutions, not someone who sells a lot of stuff that you don’t need tips to sell more.
You have to list the customer’s needs, know how to listen to them and then reflect on these elements, relaunch, and offer to help them.
We are going to take his words back, we are going to take up his problem and tell him your problem, that’s it and we must offer him simple solutions (and not multiple choices that will confuse his mind).
You are there to help them make their choice.
4 – The 4th tip for salespeople: play the right chord …
There is a technique which is very important, it is to adapt to the purchasing channels of its customer via the technique of SONCAS.
These are the arguments that will speak to the client according to his psychological profile:
– Security
– pride
– the novelty
– advice / comfort
– money
– sympathy