6 Ways You Can Lower Your Blood Pressure
In the UK, it is estimated that 25% of the UK population has high blood pressure. If you’re one of that 25%, you might want to start exploring different ways that can help lower your blood pressure.
Here are eight simple tips that could help you lower your blood pressure. Katienicholl
Diet plays a big role in playing with high blood pressure. Not everyone has high blood pressure because of diet, but for many, it is high blood pressure.
If you are one of those who not only drink high sugar content drinks all day but also have a lot of chocolate.
You may want to get rid of them.
If your diet contains lots of refined carbohydrates, you may want to cut them as well. These foods look like: Bagels, bread, tortilla wraps with white flour, waffles, pastries, breakfast cereals (but not all), white rice, pizza.
6 Ways You Can Lower Your Blood Pressure
All of the above foods can have a significant effect on blood pressure, so you need to cut them first. Or find a healthy alternative, such as wholemeal bread.
Weight loss
Again, not everyone with high blood pressure is overweight, but some are overweight. If you are overweight due to a recent BMI test, try to lose it. Overweight can cause many medical problems, so it’s good to lose some weight. Not only can losing that weight lower your blood pressure, but it can also reduce your risk of other diseases such as diabetes.
Changing your diet if unhealthy is one great way to lose weight that will greatly benefit your body. Another great way to lose weight is to exercise more.
These do not have to be very intense and can be made in your home.
Here are some different types of exercise that can help you lose weight: Do tasks such as stepping up, walking instead of driving, cooking and cleaning, cycling, and doing team sports.
These are all great ways to exercise, so be sure to do them long enough to make a positive impact.
Not many people know this, but smoking can have an immediate effect on blood pressure. But it’s only a short time, but it still increases your blood pressure and heart rate very quickly.
6 Ways You Can Lower Your Blood Pressure
Tobacco chemicals damage the walls of blood vessels. This means that blood pressure can rise as well. You don’t even have to smoke to damage your blood vessels.
If you have a lot around full-time smokers, this can affect your health.
Stress can be caused by a variety of things, including work, home working, and study. The good thing is that there are many ways you can reduce your stress levels. That is good news for all of us.
Stress can raise blood pressure, so it’s important to learn different ways to reduce stress levels. Listening to music is a simple and effective way to relieve stress and distract you from all negative thinking.
Reading a book, going for a walk, taking a deep breath, and breathing out are also good ways to relax your mind. If you haven’t been there before, try meditation or yoga.
Yoga is not only a form of exercise, it can also distract you. That is exactly what you need.
Yoga focuses on breathing, body posture, and forms of meditation that help reduce stress and blood pressure.
Don’t panic too much. Not all chocolates help lower blood pressure, and only a few studies have shown it. But maybe you can give it a try. Dark chocolate can contain up to 60-70% extra cocoa. This is recommended.
One or two scoops of dark chocolate a day can help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and inflammation.
A 2010 study of 14,310 people found that some people who ate dark chocolate did not have high blood pressure and generally had low blood pressure.
Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep can vary for many people. The best way is to aim for 6-8 hours of sleep a night. Obviously, this depends on your body clock and everything else. For some people, it may be more appropriate to get 6 hours of sleep.
For others, it’s like 8 hours. Try different lengths to see what works best for you and how you feel.
Your blood pressure goes down naturally as you sleep. Some people may be sleep-deprived, which means their blood pressure can rise.
For many, sleeping is not easy and can be difficult for many reasons. It’s a good idea to have a regular sleeping schedule that you can stick to as well as relaxing before bed.
Avoiding naps is one way you can make sure you get enough sleep at night. Avoid taking a nap if you are taking a nap during the day, and it seems restless at night.
Reading a book before bed not only helps you escape the bright screen but also relaxes your mind. Doing these will improve your night’s sleep and may stop you here and there.
Read More: Katienicholl