Reference and Education

Is College Really Worth it?

How many times have you pondered over the thought of dropping out of school? After all, big names like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg were drop-outs, and they still went on to make billions all on their own. essay writers in UK would say that it’s a pretty bold move, but you’re missing out on the part where both of these brilliant minds were drop-outs from the prestigious University of Harvard. Whereas you can barely make it through your community college really Worth with average grades, which is why we can see why you’d be inclined to gambling with your future rather than let it gamble with you.

To give you a more definite answer, yes, you can drop out. But hold your horses. It can be a bit tricky. Let’s have a look at why that is.

The Struggles of Finding a Job

The hiring process has changed drastically over the last few years. These days, companies have been employing the use of a software that can sift out CVs based on qualifications or inadequate educational experience. Many of the hiring managers are also burdened to produce worthy applicants, which would mean that a candidate must have a strong educational background and some working experience to back themselves up. If you don’t have either one, you can easily get disqualified from the pool of promising candidates.

Furthermore, nowadays, companies are relying on third-party agencies that can do the hiring for them to make the process easier for themselves. Such agencies focus on filtering out applicants with no degrees as a primary requirement. In fact, some companies and organizations signify having a degree as a prerequisite. So, you can decide for yourself where you stand once you drop out and venture into the job sector.

 Qualification Matter a Lot

Coming towards industries, many look for professionals rather than training someone from the get-go. Such as psychology or hard sciences’ fields mostly prefer that a candidate must be in possession of a relevant degree so that they can be sure of an individual’s expertise when they hire him. On the other hand, in the field of technology, most companies would prefer that you have some sort of hands-on experience to prove your particular skillset. Then in the design and marketing industries, individuals may not need a degree, but they need to showcase their creative side through a portfolio that displays their past projects. So, even if you don’t have a degree, you need to have a skillset as a backup that can prove your qualifications.

Entrepreneurship 101

Let’s say you are not interested in heading out on the quest of job hunting in the first place. You dream of becoming an entrepreneur and becoming a provider of jobs instead. But in order to run a business of your own, you’d have to invest your entire lifetime. It’s not an easy feat. Often people struggle to keep their business up and running. So, you’d require partners that wholeheartedly agree to be in the long run with you. But if you don’t have a degree, they might not seem any prospects in working with you. It might be too much of a gamble for them. In fact, if they have a family to support, they’re likely to be more skeptical.

Although, you may opt to fight against all odds and manage to make a living out of your business. However, without a strong support system, it’ll not be a piece of cake at all. At times there’d be a point where you might rethink all your life decisions, including whether it was a good idea to drop out or not, leading you to a mid-life crisis possibly.

Exploring the Alternatives

As mentioned already, a college degree is not mandatory. There are other ways you can build up your resume or qualifications. As colleges aren’t the only mediums that give you a degree. However, there might be financial constraints in other options as they might be a bit too pricey and hence, out of your budget.

If you think you’re not cut out for college, you can always sign up for a trade school if you have a specific career path in mind. Most of these trade schools teach applied skills like that of automotive, aviation, or electrician. There are healthcare trade schools as well, so that dream of becoming a surgeon might seem more achievable. You can even become a chef by joining a culinary school so that you can wow people with your cuisines.

In case you think you have a creative side that gives you the upper hand among most art majors, then nothing would suit you better than getting a certification that’s a stamp of approval upon your creativeness. Like a UI/UX designer or a make-up artist. There are a number of opportunities out there, you just need to venture out and explore your options.

Tackling College Finances

College is a lot like “survival of the fittest”. Hence, if you are determined to be among the survivors, here are a few tips that ought to lend you a helping hand.

Knowing your financial status can be crucial. If it’s not any good, then you might want to check if your college offers student aid. Get a part-time job if your schedule allows you to get one. Look up for scholarships that can be lifesaving for you. Offer to become a TA if you’re a high achiever.

You can always opt for a flexible or an online job. Do freelance if you have a particular skillset. These days people can make a career out of freelancing on various platforms. There’s also the option of saving up. It might be the hardest decision for you in the beginning, but once you start, there’ll be no looking back for you.

Furthermore, if you’re having a hard time doing assignments, then hire an essay writing service to do the job for you. They can work wonders.

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