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Top Causes of Road Traffic Accidents

Road traffic accidents are very common and the causes are various. Where some of the accidents are caused by bad road conditions, the majority of them happened due to driver’s failure, fatigue, and inability to acknowledge the danger.

Here are some of the possible causes of a road traffic accident that should taken into account and avoided when you are on road.

Bad road conditions

Sometimes the reason for a road accident is bad road conditions which makes it difficult for the driver to keep in his lane or drive properly. As a result, the balance got out and accidents happen. Bad road conditions include roads with dents, roads with a lot of speed breakers without any sign or warning, adjacent main roads without traffic signals, etc.

Risky road environment

While sometimes the road conditions are not favorable, it is also possible that a person can get into an accident because of an unsafe and unfavorable road environment. Unsafe road environments include situations or factors that are extraneous and uncontrollable by drivers. For instance, visual impairment due to darkness, slippery surface, inadequately repaired vehicles, insufficient safety services, pedestrians or other cars suddenly getting in the way, and more are all can be categorize as risky road environments.
Inability to perceive danger

Not all drivers are quick to notice sudden changes on the road. Although some drivers readily perceive the possible dangers on the road and slow down, others do not see any potential peril which cost them injuries, vehicle damage, or even their lives. Abrupt and sudden dangers are instantly identified by those drivers who experienced and calm on road. Drivers who are always in rush to reach their destination are more likely to take risks than drivers who preferred a safe drive over a rushed drive.


As mentioned above, drivers with more experience on road are more likely to perceive dangers on road readily than new drivers. Many road accidents caused by ignorance of the driver where most driving knowledge is acquired through experience. Lack of experience in perceiving new circumstances on road lead to accidents. If a driver has clear knowledge that what would happen if he suddenly stops the car in the middle of the road or suddenly speeds up under special conditions like storm or rain, it would save the driver, the passengers, and people in other cars around the driver.

Reckless driving

The main cause of  road traffic accidents is reckless driving. Driving with irrational and improper thinking drives without taking much account of their surroundings. reckless drivers have this irrational thinking that it is okay to violate traffic rules and speeding up won’t come with any harm. Such kinds of drivers also rush without any reason and take pedestrians and other cars as obstacles. Due to this immature and careless behavior, almost every day we hear news about drivers getting into serious accidents and even losing their lives.

Bad driving habits

It is similar to reckless driving with only a slight difference. Where reckless driving includes improper thinking, bad driving habits comprise of a driver’s innate traits, habits, and attitude towards driving. Some drivers tend to wrongly believe that their bad driving habits are not dangerous enough to cause a road accident until they finally cause one. Such kinds of drivers take everything lightly on the road because they have yet to cause an accident.

Fatigue and restlessness

All road accidents not caused by a driver’s failure to perceive danger or his reckless driving but sometimes physical or psychological tiredness also becomes the cause of a road accident. When a driver is not feeling well physically or emotionally, there is a high chance of a road accident. Sleeplessness, fatigue, or being on drugs (either medicines or illegal drugs) can also be the cause of an unfortunate road accident.

Mobile phone usage

Using a mobile phone during driving is one of the most common causes of a road traffic accident. When a driver is giving attention somewhere else, his attention from the road  diverted, making him unable to perceive any potential danger on the road readily.

No abidance with traffic rules and signs

Traffic rules and signs are made for a reason and believe it or not, breaking traffic rules is more dangerous for vehicle-damage-claims-glasgow than breaking any other law. When a driver is on road, he or she is not accountable for his or her own life but also for the lives of all others driving on the same road. Drivers with reckless driving attitudes don’t find it necessary to obey traffic rules and signs. They break traffic signals from time to time and do not give any importance to parking or other traffic signs. This reckless attitude towards traffic rules and signs may lead to a road accident.

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