Health and Fitness

The Anabolic Diet for Dummies

The Anabolic Diet for Dummies
Do you want to lose fat fast and show o

ff your inner six-pack (of course you do!)? Have y Female Rogue Names

ou ever tried a traditional low-fat diet with limited such

cess? Well, my friend, let me introduce you to the so called Anabolic Diet. This diet has been a well-kep

t secret of the fitness and body

building industries and has had very little following outside of these circles. While you may never have heard o


f the anabolic diet, it is actually the favorite diet of many professional bodybuilders looking to cut down to insa

nely-low levels of body fat. Granted, you probably don’t want to look like

professional bodybuilde

, but they are the foremost experts on losing body fat fast, so LISTEN UP!



The benefits of the Anabolic Diet are many, but here are a select few that may just appeal to you:

Fast Fat Loss: This diet is

specifically designed to melt away body fat by working with your body’s natural physiological tendencies, unlike a low-fat diet.
Preserve Muscle: When people try to lose weight on a low-fat diet, much of the weight they lose comes from muscle, not body fat. This diet coa

xes the body to hold on to muscle while stripping away fat.
More Energy: Carbohydrate

s can actually cause a lack of energy and general lethargy. By limiting carb intake, energy levels will stay constant throughout the day instead of changing at the mercy of blood sugar.
Food Variety: All the foods that you can’t eat during the week suddenly become essential to your diet succeeding on the weekend.
Taste: I don’t know about you, but I LOVE my steak. Eating high-fat, low carb foods during the week like meat, eggs, and cheese is AWESOME in my opinion.

While many people (especially vegetarians) picture humanities primitive diet (pre-agriculture) consisting of mostly fruits, vegetables and nuts, this vision is actually far from reality. Research into the area of man’s primitive diet has revealed that even ancient man consumed meat in large quantities. Some cultures (Inuits, for example) relied almost solely on animal-based food for sustenance until very recently in human history. Flash forward to today and our diets have changed greatly to highly emphasize carbohydrate intake over protein and fat. While some bodybuilders from the 50’s and 60’s experimented with high-fat, high-protein diets, these ideas quickly vanished from the scene as high-carb, low-fat diets became more and more mainstream.

Even as most Americans were enjoying their carb-loaded grains, a certain Dr. Mauro DiPasquale was experimenting with a high-fat diet with great results. In 1976 he won the World Championships in powerlifting and then the World Games in 1981. With these monumental achievements behind him, DiPasquale published his book The Anabolic Diet in 1995, presenting the world with a much more revolutionary approach to dieting.

How it Works

For most people, eating fat to burn fat is an entirely paradoxical idea. But from even a very basic evolutionary stand point this concept makes sense; if you starve the body from fat (like in a low-fat diet) it wants to hold onto and conserve all the fat it has for a rainy day. However, if you provide the body with an ample supply of fat it will be much more willing to burn fat and will in fact be constantly burning fat to supply the body with energy rather than burning carbohydrates to serve this same purpose.

Now this, of course, is an over-simplified explanation of how the diet actually works on a physiological level. For all you science geeks and skeptics (with whom I can identify), read on. Within your body, adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) is the fuel for all metabolic functions on a cellular level. Basically, ATP is one of the single most important molecules to life. While many people that you cannot produce ATP without glucose, a carbohydrate, this is actually a misconception. In fact, fatty-acids actually have a higher ATP yield per carbon than carbs as a result of the molecule being less oxidized.

As the body shifts to a fat-burning metabolism, lipolytic (fat burning) enzymes become activated while the activity of lipogenic (fat producing) enzymes is decreased. Your body will be in an optimal state for fat loss. If you combine this fat burning environment with a negative caloric balance you will burn fat at a far accelerated rate.

Read More :

The Anabolic Diet for Dummies
Do you want to lose fat fast and show o

ff your inner six-pack (of course you do!)? Have y

ou ever tried a traditional low-fat diet with limited such

cess? Well, my friend, let me introduce you to the so called Anabolic Diet. This diet has been a well-kep

t secret of the fitness and body

building industries and has had very little following outside of these circles. While you may never have heard o


f the anabolic diet, it is actually the favorite diet of many professional bodybuilders looking to cut down to insa

nely-low levels of body fat. Granted, you probably don’t want to look like

professional bodybuilde

, but they are the foremost experts on losing body fat fast, so LISTEN UP!



The benefits of the Anabolic Diet are many, but here are a select few that may just appeal to you:

Fast Fat Loss: This diet is

specifically designed to melt away body fat by working with your body’s natural physiological tendencies, unlike a low-fat diet.
Preserve Muscle: When people try to lose weight on a low-fat diet, much of the weight they lose comes from muscle, not body fat. This diet coa

xes the body to hold on to muscle while stripping away fat.
More Energy: Carbohydrate

s can actually cause a lack of energy and general lethargy. By limiting carb intake, energy levels will stay constant throughout the day instead of changing at the mercy of blood sugar.
Food Variety: All the foods that you can’t eat during the week suddenly become essential to your diet succeeding on the weekend.
Taste: I don’t know about you, but I LOVE my steak. Eating high-fat, low carb foods during the week like meat, eggs, and cheese is AWESOME in my opinion.

While many people (especially vegetarians) picture humanities primitive diet (pre-agriculture) consisting of mostly fruits, vegetables and nuts, this vision is actually far from reality. Research into the area of man’s primitive diet has revealed that even ancient man consumed meat in large quantities. Some cultures (Inuits, for example) relied almost solely on animal-based food for sustenance until very recently in human history. Flash forward to today and our diets have changed greatly to highly emphasize carbohydrate intake over protein and fat. While some bodybuilders from the 50’s and 60’s experimented with high-fat, high-protein diets, these ideas quickly vanished from the scene as high-carb, low-fat diets became more and more mainstream.

Even as most Americans were enjoying their carb-loaded grains, a certain Dr. Mauro DiPasquale was experimenting with a high-fat diet with great results. In 1976 he won the World Championships in powerlifting and then the World Games in 1981. With these monumental achievements behind him, DiPasquale published his book The Anabolic Diet in 1995, presenting the world with a much more revolutionary approach to dieting.

How it Works

For most people, eating fat to burn fat is an entirely paradoxical idea. But from even a very basic evolutionary stand point this concept makes sense; if you starve the body from fat (like in a low-fat diet) it wants to hold onto and conserve all the fat it has for a rainy day. However, if you provide the body with an ample supply of fat it will be much more willing to burn fat and will in fact be constantly burning fat to supply the body with energy rather than burning carbohydrates to serve this same purpose.

Now this, of course, is an over-simplified explanation of how the diet actually works on a physiological level. For all you science geeks and skeptics (with whom I can identify), read on. Within your body, adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) is the fuel for all metabolic functions on a cellular level. Basically, ATP is one of the single most important molecules to life. While many people that you cannot produce ATP without glucose, a carbohydrate, this is actually a misconception. In fact, fatty-acids actually have a higher ATP yield per carbon than carbs as a result of the molecule being less oxidized.

As the body shifts to a fat-burning metabolism, lipolytic (fat burning) enzymes become activated while the activity of lipogenic (fat producing) enzymes is decreased. Your body will be in an optimal state for fat loss. If you combine this fat burning environment with a negative caloric balance you will burn fat at a far accelerated rate.

Read More : Female Rogue Names

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