The 4 basic steps of inbound marketing SEO

Inbound marketing is a form of marketing strategy aimed at attracting prospects and converting them into customers without using traditional marketing approaches. It is based on consumer behavior, their needs and digital opportunities to develop businesses.

Discover here the 4 fundamental steps of inbound marketing.Attract qualified visitors

Attracting qualified visitors is the first and most important step of inbound marketing. As some inbound marketing experts explain, this step not only gives visibility to your business, but above all it brings qualified traffic to your website. And this, mainly thanks to the quality contents.

This is content optimized for natural referencing SEO. In addition, this step also uses distribution media such as social networks to attract visitors. She favors the writing of quality articles with the right keywords in order to position the company well on the market and properly target its potential customers.

inbound marketing Convert visitors into leads

Once visitors come to explore your site, the second stage of inbound marketing begins by creating contact with these visitors and trying to get as much information as possible about them. But above all, it encourages them to act. To achieve this, the actions it favors are among others: call-to-actions, personalization and improvement of the user experience, collection of information through forms, creation of landing pages, and many other strategies.

All these proposals and actions appeal to visitors who do not hesitate to cooperate.

Close deals with prospects/customers

The third step is to guide the prospect and lead him to make his first purchase to become a customer. This is an important step which, to achieve its objectives, favors actions such as:

  • Lead nurturing
  • Sending targeted mailings;
  • The proposal of personalized offers based on the behavior of the prospect
  • Telephone contact (if necessary), etc.

Customer loyalty inbound marketing

Once the transition has been made by the prospect who becomes a customer, it is important to put in place strategies to retain him. This is what the 4th stage of inbound marketing takes care of. It aims to transform the customer into an ambassador for your brand. To achieve this, she creates questionnaires and satisfaction surveys to correct the weaknesses of the company and the products. This makes it possible to perfect the image of the company, to build a good e-reputation and to make it a reference in its field.

Inbound marketing is the strategy you need to definitely succeed in your business and have a good reputation.

The “Core Web Vitals” update announced by Google in 2021

Google announced it: a new update will take into account the UX of websites in the Google indexing criteria. This update called “Core Web Vitals” will not be effective until 2021, which leaves a slight margin of maneuver for companies with sites that do not meet certain UX design criteria.

In the end, what is UX Design? Why is this so important? What will it bring to sites and users? And what are the criteria that Google will take into account?

The Panda SEO agency, expert in natural referencing and UX design, offers you to settle in comfortably, we have looked into the subject to answer you!

What is UX design?

The world of SEO has been interested for several years in the importance of UX design on SEO. The concept of SXO has even emerged, it stands for Search experience Optimization. UX Design will therefore have the mission of improving the user experience of the visitor on a site in all possible ways.

Whether in relation to the loading time, the choice of CTAs (call to action), the choice of the graphic charter, the positioning of the text, etc. Everything will be done to make the site pleasant for visitors to browse.

The data will also help in the implementation of a UX design strategy since, thanks to data on consumption habits and on the habits of use of a site (ex: more visits via mobile than desktop, etc.), the brand will be able to adapt to the needs of its target.

According to Google, here are the few UX Design criteria to respect:

  • Optimize the loading time of your site
  • Adapt your site to mobile
  • Think about reading comfort
  • Optimize the tree structure of its site, have a fluid navigation
  • Use CTAs (call to action)
  • Remove all obstacles to navigation (limit ads and empty spaces)
  • Choose your graphic charter wisely for maximum browsing comfort

In order to better understand the importance of UX design for users, we are going to present some very telling figures.

The figures of UX Design

What better way to better understand the impact of UX Design than numbers? Here is the importance of UX Design according to users:

88% of users who have encountered a problem while browsing a site do not return,
4 seconds is the maximum average loading time before the user leaves the page,
70% of online businesses fail due to poor user experience.
Nearly 48% of users say that a site that is not responsive proves that the brand is not attentive to consumer expectations,

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Nearly one in two consumers say that the design of a site refers to the image of the company and its position that consumers have certain expectations

Source: The 10 figures of UX

These figures allow us to really realize that consumer habits have changed. They are looking for immediacy and services adapted to their needs. They also believe that the brand must be attentive and reactive in its market at the risk of losing customers.

The Google Update: Core Web Vitals

The announcement that shook the SEO sphere is none other than the new Google update called “Core Web Vitals”. This update will be effective in 2021 and will aim to take into account UX Design criteria in the indexing of sites.

Like the update concerning the “mobile friendly”, this update could favor sites which have a better user experience and which are appreciated by users.

But in practice what does it mean? What criteria will Google use to score this?

This new Google update on UX design will take into account 3 main points:

  • The loading time of the pages and the site in general
  • Visual stability (it takes into account if elements start to move during an action, a click for example and that they do not have a definitive rendering)
  • Interactivity time (loading time of animations for example)

In itself, nothing very alarming since these are points that each brand and SEO seeks to work on and optimize constantly. You just have to be careful to stay alert on these points, even more than before, because from now on these are criteria taken into account by Google in its ranking.

For sites that are not up to date on these criteria, don’t panic! You are not going to have to take out a very big budget to update yourself. However, if your site has not received an update for some time and meets the criteria of the 2010s for example, you will indeed need to consider a redesign.

Everything will depend on your current site, what are your needs, do you meet the criteria requested by Google? And if not, what are the criteria you need to put in place? This is an essential step by 2021 because if your site is not “UX friendly” in the eyes of Google, you will be penalized in the SERP results even with the best SEO strategy in the world.

Do not forget the other factors that impact a user experience

If this update is starting to alarm the world of SEO, we must not leave aside the other Google criteria that impact the user experience and therefore SEO.

secure browsing: the site must respect the https protocol in order to ensure a secure connection to users.
be mobile friendly: each page of a website must now adapt to mobiles, Google is very strict on this indexing criterion.
avoid intrusive messages and ads: what could be more annoying for a visitor than being assailed by non-stop popups and ad messages? Google penalizes this practice to ensure a good user experience

Panda SEO supports you in setting up your SXO

Panda SEO agency has always given great importance to UX Design. We also wrote a complete article on the definition of SXO a few months ago because we were convinced of its importance in the world of SEO.

In our opinion, UX has always been of major importance for users and even for companies. We have made it an expertise within our agency! We know that Google algorithms are constantly changing, consumer habits have changed and brands need strong competitive advantages to stand out in their market.

For this, the Panda SEO agency supports you in setting up an SXO strategy. This includes improving the fluidity of navigation on your site, building a simple and consistent purchase path with your objectives, optimizing the loading time of your pages, improving the visual identity of your site but above all : optimize the conversion funnel!

As we have seen previously, natural referencing makes you visible on Google search engine pages, but what will convert leads into customers will be the success of your SXO strategy, the optimization of your CTAs and your customer journey.

If you want to discuss your UX design strategy project with a professional or simply ask a few questions about setting up an SXO strategy, contact our teams!

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