
Electronic cigarette: the ultimate guid

Are you a smoker and do you have questions about Electronic cigarette & vaping? Here we offer you a summary of essential things to know about this tool that can help you quit smoking.

The Best pod vape to start vaping

We are constantly updating a unique ranking with the Best pod vape of the moment. Thanks to these buying guides, you will be able to save precious time in your search for e-cigarettes. Do not hesitate to consult it if you are new to the world of vaping.

Now that you have understood the basics, let’s go into a little more detail. We are going to explain to you in a few points how an e-cigarette works and present the different existing models, as well as the essential things to know about the health issues surrounding the use of this product.

Best pod vape

What is an electronic cigarette?

An electronic cigarette, otherwise known as a “personal vaporizer”or even “vaporette”, is an electronic device that allows you to vaporize a solution based on propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin , most often flavored and which may contain nicotine . .

The invention of the concept of the ecig dates back to the 1950s, but the industrial models that we know today owe their origin to the invention of the Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik.

Where does the steam come from?

To create vapor, the vaper needs vape flavours. It is introduced into a clearomiser so that it soaks the fiber contained in a resistance made of metal. Then we press the button of the battery connected to the clearomiser. Under the effect of electricity, the resistance heats and vaporizes the vape flavours.

The different models of personal vaporizers

The cigalike

The cigalike is the oldest model of electronic cigarette. The term comes from the English “cig-a-like” , which can be translated as “resembling a cigarette”. It therefore mimics the shape of a traditional tobacco cigarette.

Attractive at first glance for the smoker, a cigalike generally offers very little autonomy and produces very little vapor. We therefore advise you to avoid this type of model if you are in the process of quitting smoking.

A cigalike has the other disadvantage of operating on a closed system, that is to say that it most often requires the purchase of vape flavours refills only compatible with the brand of the cigalike purchased, which makes the choice very limited and the price often quite high.

The Mod tube

The Mod tube is a bulkier vaporizer than the cigalike, but still cylindrical in shape, “ Mod” being the abbreviation of “modified” in English (modified). Very efficient, it incorporates a large capacity battery (removable or not) to allow daily use.

Most Tube Mods offer settings that allow you to adjust the quality of “vape” according to your needs, while others, simpler, are already set to work with a supplied clearomizer (in the case of ready-to-use kits). to work). To go further, read our guide on clearomizers.

The advantage of Mod tubes is that they are based on an open system, unlike cigalikes or Mod pods, which we will discuss below. Thus, you will be able to change vape flavours to vary the pleasures and personalize your vape at best.

The mod box

The box Mod only differs from the tube Mod in its rectangular or square shape. Very fashionable, it tends to replace the tube format. The advantage of the boxes is based on the possibility of being able to contain several removable batteries (accumulators), which make it possible to increase the autonomy of the device. The ergonomics of a Mod box is appreciated for its pleasant handling. To go further, read our guide on Box Mods.

The Mod pod

The Best pod vape uses a principle similar to the cigalike, with a proprietary system most often, without however reproducing the shape of a traditional cigarette. Its format in the shape of a USB key makes it very easy to carry in a pocket. More efficient for its production of vapor or its diffusion of nicotine than the cigalike, the pod Mod however suffers from a very limited autonomy forcing the user to recharge the device regularly.

It is more and more common to see that manufacturers of pod Mods join forces with companies specializing in v to integrate products from recognized brands into their cartridges. On the other hand, the vaper will be forced to use only refills compatible with the purchased device.

How to choose the right model?

Find the ranking of the Best pod vape of the moment to get the vape off to a good start. An independent ranking updated throughout the year.

The main thing is to try it. There are thousands of different flavors in vape flavours and hundreds of different models accessible in the market today. To go faster, we’ve put together guides to help you choose a vaporizer . These recommendations are based on our own experience, as we are all former smokers turned vapers.

You will find sections dedicated to the best models or to go further , quick shopping guides

Best pod vape

vaping and health

You ask yourself the question of knowing if the vaporette is dangerous for health and it is completely legitimate. To put it simply, the answer is yes, the ecig is potentially dangerous for health, in the same way as many other everyday consumer products, but it offers a very significant risk reduction compared to smoked tobacco .
Hundreds of specialized studies on the subject appear every year in the world, and it is possible to formally affirm today that the vape offers a considerable reduction of the risks for the smoker who passes entirely from smoking to the vape.

Is the vaporizer effective in quitting smoking?

Studies that have looked at smoking cessation with the help of electronic cigarettes announce very varied figures. Some studies, such as that of the University of Melbourne in Australia, for example, report an effectiveness rate of 18%, another in the United Kingdom speaks of a discontinuation rate of 28%, or even an American meta-analysis ( that is to say a study that analyzes a set of studies) reports an effectiveness of 18%.
The real effectiveness in weaning can only be done by very complex studies (such as randomized comparative studies) which are still very rare today, because very expensive, but what we can remember so far is is that the electronic cigarette has at least, or if not more, the same effectiveness as the pharmaceutical methods usually sold on the market (patches, chewing gum, inhalers, etc.).

For example, a large-scale European survey showed that 6 million have already quit tobacco thanks to electronic cigarettes. If the surveys do not have great scientific value, this makes it possible to judge the potential of the e-cigarette from a public health perspective.

How to quit smoking with the e-cigarette?

We advise you to perform a two-step withdrawal to successfully quit smoking . A tip to increase your chances of successful withdrawal is to contact a tobacco specialist, a specialist in tobacco addiction. You can also contact your attending physician.

The problem with quitting smoking is that withdrawal symptoms are severe and often lead to a relapse into smoking . The electronic cigarette, like a nicotine substitute sold in pharmacies, continues to provide you with nicotine on a daily basis, which prevents the symptoms of withdrawal from appearing, but which also helps you not to relapse.

The advantage of vaping over nicotine patches or other nicotine substitutes is that it resembles normal cigarettes in form and use. The resemblance of the vaper to the cigarette allows you to make a transition from the cigarette to the soft vape. You can even maintain your smoking habits.

Because, we often forget, but the addiction of the smoker is not only due to nicotine . Nicotine explains physical dependence. But there is also a psychological dependence linked to habits. Quitting smoking overnight is difficult, because you have to put an end to years of smoking habits.

You have to forget the gesture, the routines, the taste… And it’s almost impossible to do overnight. The e-cigarette is there to help you quit smoking gently, without upsetting your habits. It is also what doubles the effectiveness of the electronic cigarette to quit smoking.

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