What Is To Experience The Winter And Cold?

Winter and Cold Weather
Winter food
Cold weather affects more than just your wardrobe and heating bill. Your body is also undergoing changes, it suffers from a lack of energy. Metabolism and eating habits change. Food plays a very important role in maintaining our health during the winter months. Dieting during this period is not recommended. Make sure your diet is balanced and includes enough protein and fat.
Hot vegetable soup or soup with meat broth, herbal tea, hot stews seasoned with black or red pepper will help you to keep warm. Often in the cold season, people have a “winter depression”. To keep your mood good, eat complex carbohydrates: cereals, rye bread, cabbage, and greens. Vitamin C-rich cauliflower and broccoli are beneficial for those who don’t want to get sick in the winter.
In cold weather, your body is prone to dehydration as well as in warm weather. To combat winter dehydration, a cup of warm tea is a great choice. Ginger tea is a particularly good option as ginger will naturally warm your body.
We need fats to facilitate the absorption of vitamins A, E, K, and D. Vitamin deficiencies, especially vitamin D deficiencies, can contribute to depression and chronic fatigue syndrome, which can negatively affect your health. Healthy fats are found in fish, nuts, olives, butter, cheese, and eggs.
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What to do if you are frozen?
Finding yourself one on one with the elements, it is very difficult to resist its power. Here are some tips to help you prepare for outdoor activities, avoid frostbite and get sick.
Outdoor recreation in winter
- Until you finish eating, you will not leave the table. The same principle will help you remember that if your plans include long walks in the fresh air in winter, then you should not leave the house on an empty stomach, otherwise your body will not have enough energy for self-healing.
- How not freeze in winter if you went on a long walk? Take breaks. You can sit in a coffee shop, go to a bookstore, stroll around a mall.
- Alcohol will not save you from frost. The warming effect will not last long, and then your body will begin to lose heat even more rapidly. Better to drink a mug of tea, hot chocolate, punch, non-alcoholic mulled wine.
- Massage of frozen limbs. Try rubbing your arms and legs if possible. Frozen cheeks and nose must be urgently rubbed with woolen mittens. If this is not done in time, the damaged layer of the skin will peel off.
- The wisdom of Tibetan monks will help you. In the schools of Tibetan Buddhism, the so-called yoga of inner Fire – tummo is practiced. Monks believe that this technique is capable of drying wet clothes on the body in severe frost. This is due to visualization. The monks imagine how a small flame is born in their bodies, gradually turning into a flame that fills the entire body.
- Proper breathing is important not only for sports. In winter, try to breathe slowly and evenly, then it will become easier for you to adapt to low temperatures.
- No Stress. Stress and negative emotions only increase the likelihood of frostbite in the body. When you are nervous, blood drains from the limbs and rushes to the brain.
- Spare socks and bags. What to do to keep your feet warm? Let’s say you feel that your socks are wet and your feet are very cold. First, go to a warm room or sit in your car. Take off your shoes and wet socks, dry your feet, put on dry warm socks, preferably woolen. Wrap your feet in bags and feel free to put on your wet shoes. Such a life hack will help you hold out until you return home from the street. It is always possible to take extra socks and bags with you, but not replacement shoes.
- If you are cold, then on your return home, in order to warm up quickly and without harm to your health, rub yourself with alcohol. Please note that before grinding, the alcohol must be diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio. You can also put a mustard patch on your shoulders. Anti-cellulite cream with the addition of pepper is also suitable for warming. But in any case, do not immediately go into a hot shower. A sharp change in temperature can lead to irreparable consequences.
- If a hard frost caught you in the forest, immediately build a hut from coniferous branches and try to make a fire. You can dig a shelter in a snowdrift while waiting for help. If you find yourself in ice captivity, take all measures to warm yourself up on your own and wait for help. Never fall asleep.
- Still, winter is a fabulous time of the year. Even in the most severe frosts, we find something beautiful in its own way. Now you know how to stay warm in winter. Be attentive to your body, avoid hypothermia and frostbite, dress appropriately for the weather, and do not get sick. By the way, another way to keep warm is hugs. You will instantly feel a surge of warmth, and no frost will be terrible for you anymore.