Ayurvedic remedies
Ayurveda is the gift or one of humankind’s best creations; it comprises the solution of all the issues that one individual faces.
Ayurveda is the science of life. It contains vast amounts of information from paediatrics to geriatrics and from psychology to surgery. It also comprises solutions of little to big body issues in the human body.
Ayurveda knowledge was first written down in the ancient Indian language Sanskrit. Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata are the authors of classical ayurvedic scriptures.
Today Ayurveda is not just limited to India. It has been practised in many parts of the world, and even the modern western world has started expecting it, and it has been appreciated worldwide.
Ayurveda and yoga are the two sister sciences, and both originate from the same philosophy.
The prime focus of Ayurveda is living the right way, while yoga mainly focuses on enlightenment. Both Ayurveda and yoga are bounded by a perspective that people are beings with a unified body, mind and consciousness.
The history, beliefs are other parts but let’s talk about implementations and let us know the real remedies of Ayurveda which one can implement in his/her life to treat a particular disease.
Remedies for common alignments
These remedies should be used along with professional treatment.
Ghee = clarified butter
Boil 1/2 cup rice + 2 tsp fenugreek seeds + 1/4 tsp salt +1 tbsp ghee. Eat once or twice a day, ideally for breakfast and lunch. You can Omit the salt if you have high blood pressure.
Take 1/2 tsp turmeric with 1 tbsp cane sugar and 1 tsp ghee three times a day. If possible, take A2 type cow ghee as it is one of the healthiest and nutritious items.
Here anxiety is not depression or severe stress. For extreme stress, one should consider professional treatment. But with this remedy, it can mitigate normal stress.
Boil ¾ cup milk with 1 tsp cane sugar, 1 tsp fennel seeds, and two threads of saffron. Drink the mixture warm, taking ½ cup twice daily.
Practice any exercise or yoga asana to reduce stress, making you feel fresh and reduce your anxiety.
- Bad breath
Mostly caused by poor oral hygiene
Boil 1 cup water along with 1 tsp ground cardamom and 1 tsp ground cinnamon and drink three times a day.
Chew two cloves up to three times a day
- High cholesterol
This remedy helps to alleviate your cholesterol
Take ½ tsp fenugreek seeds daily.
Also, reduce white sugar or replace it with jaggery and eat less spicy and processed food.
- Diabetes
Drink 1 tsp lemon juice + 1/2 tsp honey three times a day.
Drink 1 tbsp ground turmeric + 3 bay leaves, + 1 tbsp fenugreek seeds and drink 1/2 cup before each meal.
Eat green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, coconut, sour fruits and reduce sugar, rice and starchy food.
- Earache
Take the juice from fresh ginger and apply a drop to the ear as needed.
Apply a drop of tulsi oil, marjoram oil, or dill oil to the edge of the ear canal as needed.
- Fatigue
Fatigue can be due to improper sleep, stress or any other medical condition. These ayurvedic remedies are quite effective in reducing your fatigue.
Peel coriander seeds, crush them well and use the peeled seeds to make tea. Drink 1 cup of tea as needed.
Boil ½ cup milk with 1 tsp almond butter, 1 tsp cane sugar, and a pinch of saffron and ground ginger. Drink one or two times a day. This is helpful if you want to lose weight.
Also, perform some yoga asana or cardio which will make you fresh and might reduce your fatigue.
- Fever
Eat or chew three black peppercorns, 5-10 basil leaves, and 5 neem leaves (ideally fresh) up to three times a day.
Boil 3-4 cloves in 4¼ cups water for 30 minutes and drink in small sips throughout the day
Drink ginger tea or ginger lemon tea; also, you can eat ginger along with jaggery. Ginger has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
This remedy helps to mitigate normal headache. If your headache is severe, then concern the doctor.
Drink 1 cup hot water with 2 tbsp lemon juice in the morning and before going to bed.
Drink lime juice sweetened with cane sugar + 1/4 tsp ground cardamom and a pinch of black pepper three times a day.
Apply camphor oil to the head as needed.
- Insomnia
These remedies help to get proper sleep at night
Boil ½ cup milk with ½ tsp nutmeg, 1/2 tsp almond milk, and 1/2 tsp cane sugar. Drink 30 minutes before going to bed
Also, do some physical exercise to alleviate Insomnia
- Migraine
Mix two threads of saffron + 1tsp ghee and apply in each nostril for three days for effective results.
Apply a heated mixture of 2 tbsp sesame oil + 1 tsp cardamom + 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon to the forehead.
- Nosebleed
Carefully apply the juice of fresh cilantro leaves to the nostrils with
your little finger.
Make a paste of ground basil seeds and carefully apply into each of your nostrils.
Sometimes nose bleeding is due to summer because eating a bit of jaggery also pours cold water on your head by keeping your head down.
13.Weight loss
Drink 3 glass or warm water empty stomach
Mix 2 tsp tulsi leaf juice with 1 tsp honey and take three times a day for at least 1 month.
Follow this ayurvedic remedies along with yoga and exercise and you will surely get the desired result.
One should follow this remedy along with the prescription or treatment suggested by the doctor.
Make pills using 2 tsp ground cloves + 1 tsp honey. Take 2 pills three times a day.
Mix 1 tsp tulsi leaf juice + 1/2 tsp ground black pepper and drink 2 tsp three times a day.
Drink 1 cup orange or lemon juice with 1 tsp honey.
15.Common cold
Common cold is one of the most common alignment but these ayurvedic remedies are really effective and might be known to some of you.
In the early stages, drink tulsi tea or ground ginger and coriander tea as needed.
Eat 2-3 dates and drink 1 tsp lemon juice in warm water twice a day.
Drinking turmeric milk its a great remedy against the common cold.
Drink hot water 3-4 times a da
- Sore throat
Gargle hot water mixed with either 1/2 tsp rock salt or 1 tbsp lemon juice.
Gargle tea made from 1/2 tsp chile flakes.
Drink 3 glasses of hot water whenever you feel sore.
Thiese ayurvedic remedies for constipation is great one and provided relief from constipation to many people.
Drink a glass of hot water early in the morning as hot water activates bowel movement and proper detoxification.
Drink jaggery + warm water
Soak 1 part psyllium husk in 6 parts water and drink 1/2 cup three to four times a day.
To support peristalsis, soak dill seeds in water overnight and take 1 tsp seeds before every meal.
Drink 1 cup aloe vera juice
Drink buttermilk
Practice some yoga poses like sun salutation and practice deep breathing
To practice yoga in proper manner purchase yoga chair
Follow all these remedies, and I am sure that you will alleviate all your common ailments and have a disease-free or healthy life.