Blue clay – used for hair loss

Blue clay used for hair loss , to accelerate hair growth, in addition, nourishes the hair from the inside and prevents breakage.
Green clay – helps get rid of dandruff and seborrhea of the scalp, reduces sebaceous glands, strengthens hair, recommended for oily hair prone to dandruff.
White clay – used for hair loss, as well as to strengthen and restore hair and scalp. Suitable for fine, exhausted and damaged hair.
Pink clay – suitable for sensitive scalp, gently cleanses hair and scalp, relieves irritation, improves microcirculation, prevents hair breakage.
Gray clay – used for brittle split ends, also takes good care of the scalp, prevents scalp flaking, accelerates hair growth.
2 tablespoons sea salt
1 tablespoon clay (blue, green, white, pink, gray)
5-8 drops of essential oil of rosemary or orange
Method of preparation:
Pour the salt and humus into a glass jar, dilute the essential oil in milk and then add to the remaining ingredients, add enough milk so as to obtain a thick homogeneous mixture.
1. Peeling with sea salt and colorless henna
Peeling salt should be sea salt. Take colorless henna, it has excellent quality and strengthening properties.
Olive oil penetrates the hair follicle and scalp cells, ie nourishes the hair with nutrients from the inside, and the oil also well wraps the hair itself, thus improving its structure.
This is the most popular base oil in hair care and can be applied to the scalp. Vitamin C – promohair
tes cell renewal, increases blood flow, helps well with hair loss.
- 2 tablespoons salt
- 1 tablespoon colorless henna
- 2 ampoules of vitamin C.
- Olive oil
Method of preparation:
Add henna and olive oil to the salt, about a spoon, so that the mixture is thick, and finally, just before application, add vitamin c
2. Homemade scrub with sea salt and activated carbon
Activated charcoal is excellent for removing excess sebum, dead scalp cells and styling products.
Essential oils against hair loss: rosemary, tea tree, pine, cedar, cinnamon, juniper.
For oily hair: lemon, orange, grapefruit, tea tree, rosemary, lemon balm, mint, cedar.
Against dandruff: lavender, tea tree, lemon, orange, grapefruit, geranium, rosemary.
Dry scalp: jasmine, lavender, rose, sage, chamomile, ylang-ylang.
- 2 tablespoons sea salt
- 5 tablets of activated carbon
- 5-8 drops of peppermint essential oil
Method of preparation:
Drop a few drops of essential oil on the salt. Add crushed activated carbon and dilute with water until a thick mixture is obtained.
Our hair, as well as the body as a whole, needs vitamins and minerals.
It is no secret that the balance of vitamins and trace elements in the body significantly affects the condition of the hair.
It is impossible to name a vitamin as the most important for hair or skin, but there are vitamins without which we will not have healthy, beautiful hair and smooth, radiant skin
. And of course, it is best to get these vitamins from food, but this is not always possible.
Omega-3 for skin and hair
Omega-3 improves the skin, hair and is essential for the whole body.
It is prescribed as an anti-inflammatory agent for hair loss, to reduce oiliness in oily skin, in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. Omega-3 is great for dry and irritated skin.
Omega 3 fatty acids have antioxidant effects, but there are other foods rich in antioxidants.
One of the few supplements recommended constantly, especially if you do not eat fish, at least three to four times a week. Given that we have problems with quality fish, it makes sense to take extra Omega-3 fatty acids.
Vitamin D for hair
Vitamin D plays one of the most important roles in the body.
It is responsible for the condition of the hair, the purity and elasticity of the skin, the density and health of the nails.
It prevents hair loss and breakage, has a disinfectant effect, which has a beneficial effect on the scalp.
This vitamin is able to fight dandruff and also nourishes and moisturizes the hair. Vitamin D deficiency causes hair loss, worsens the course of skin diseases.
Consume foods rich in vitamin D . It has been proven that more than 200 diseases are associated with vitamin D, or rather with its deficiency.
Essential vitamin C.
Vitamin C improves blood circulation in hair loss. This is necessary for the proper nutrition of hair follicles;
also involved in the formation of collagen, ie it improves the structure of the skin. Together with vitamin A it works well for dry and brittle hair.
In order to better absorb vitamin C, it is good to take it after a meal.
Vitamin A for skin and hair
Vitamin deficiency causes dry skin, hair, dandruff, premature aging of the skin with the formation of wrinkles .
It also stimulates the active synthesis of collagen and elastin, protects the hair from the negative effects of adverse environmental factors.
Vitamin E for hair and skin
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is prescribed to treat dry skin, hyperkeratosis, atopic dermatitis and burns.
And it is extremely beneficial for the skin , it slows down the aging process of the skin and reduces the risk of skin cancer from UV radiation.
It helps fight hair loss, promotes hair growth and recovery. The vitamin helps to deal with scalp problems, especially dandruff and dryness.
In combination with vitamin C, vitamin E supplements the nutrition of the scalp and hair follicles, protecting and strengthening the hair.