Is Anavar safe to use in low dosage?

Anavar UK is an oral anabolic and androgenic steroid. Which is used in various medical conditions by people and also used by bodybuilders and sportsmen or athletes to enhance their performance. This oral steroid is also known as oxandrolone. This is helpful and effective in treating many bone diseases and also helps in strengthening the bones and builds protein blocks in the body. Moreover, it is preferred by those who want to gain weight either bodybuilders or those patients who have lost massive amounts of weight due to any medical issue or due to surgery. It works very quickly which helps the user of this anabolic steroid to recover faster. An important point to remember is that this steroid should not be consumed or used for an extended period of time. And if done so will lead to adverse outcomes and dose dependency.
As UK Anavar can be toxic to the liver, it should be taken in moderation. There is not a standard dosing guideline to be followed. When taking Anavar but users should take such a dose which does not cause any side effects and should take it along with a proper diet. Moreover, the dose depends on the level of experience with anabolic steroids. This means that the dose of Anavar should be low for beginners and should be more or increased when one reaches an advanced stage.
For those who are new to taking steroids should take Anavar up to 30 mg. Which can be increased to 50 mg as they become experienced. However, this steroid should be taken for a limited time period as this steroid has the potential for abuse. The dose of Anavar for women is effective even at lower levels. And if taken in high doses will result in increasing the risk of masculinization in them including excessive growth of hairs on different parts of body, hoarse voice etc.
Important things to remember while taking Anavar:
For children, the dose of Anavar should be based on the current weight. And it is advised to let the doctor know about any weight changes you experience in your child. Moreover, those who are on Anavar therapy for any underlying medical condition should regularly undergo blood tests and tests related to the functioning of the kidney. Moreover, as overgrowth of bones can occur on this steroid. Those who take it for the purpose of bone growth should undergo x-rays regularly to monitor their condition. Further, as this oral anabolic steroid can be habit-forming. It should never be taken in excessive amounts and not be taken for extended time periods. It should not be given or used by those who have a past history of drug abuse as it can lead to addiction.
Side effects:
Side effects if Anavar can vary from user to user which can be severe as well. These side effects include:
- Increased calcium level in the blood.
- Tiredness and restlessness.
- Pain while urinating.
- Difficulty while urinating.
- Increased penis erection.
- Some users of Anavar may face shortness of breath even mildly exerting during exercises.
- Acne which can worsen.
- Peculiar growth of penis even before puberty is achieved.
- Problems while ejaculating.
- Use of Anavar may lead to jaundice.
- Some users may experience rapid gain of weight.
- Loss of appetite is another side effect associated with Anavar.
Anavar in bodybuilding:
There are a number of steroids for sale which are used and abused by bodybuilders to get massive muscle gains or to get a ripped physique. For the purpose of cutting where bodybuilders intend to reduce extra weight and fat from the body, they buy Anavar UK. This steroid increases the rate of metabolism and thus enhances the fat burning rate which leads to a lean and ripped appearance. Bodybuilders and athletes either take Anavar alone or stack it with other anabolic steroids the UK to level up their fat-burning process and to enhance their performance.
People look for a number of ways to buy Steroids UK which offer more benefits as compared to side effects. Anavar also offers a number of benefits to its users which are as follows:
- Anavar enhances the process of lipolysis.
- It is beneficial for increasing the rate of metabolism.
- Anavar is widely used to treat anemia as it is found to increase red blood cells in the body.
- It is also effective for enhancing vascularity.
- Anavar is also used to reverse the effects of muscle wasting mostly in HIV AIDS patients.
- Results in less suppression of testosterone as compared to other potent anabolic steroids.
Results of Anavar cycle:
Some of the potential results one can get either at the end of cycle or during cycle are as follows:
- Increase in strength and speed for athletes.
- Less gain of fat due to Anavar being anabolic.
- More defined appearance with hard muscles.
- Noticeable gain of muscles with less fluid retention.
Working of Anavar:
Anavar when taken orally starts to work fast and also exits the body quickly. Which is the reason it should be taken every day at least once. Noticeable changes are visible within eight weeks of taking this steroid along with proper food intake and workout performed properly and on a regular basis.
Other Alternatives to Anavar:
Some users who want to avoid this steroid due to its side effects but want to get the same results like Anavar tend to take its legal alternative which is Anvarol. It is a natural alternative made by Crazy Bulk and is effective for cutting purposes and also increases strength and performance. It is an FDA-approved supplement which makes it even easier to buy it as compared to other illegal routes like black markets where not only it is full of risk to make purchases but also users are compromising on the quality of the steroid.