Health Benefits And Proper Methods To Perform The Bow Pose ( Dhanurasana )

Now in this article, I will tell you about the measures and benefits of this Dhanurasan Yoga pose. Which is extremely useful in making the body elastic and shapely. Yoga is not only widespread in India but in the entire world. The biggest reason for this is your yoga benefits. Yoga talks about creating our body and mind healthy and strong.
When we practice yoga regularly, our body gets the ability to keep itself healthy. Science has begun accepting the fact that our body is about to fight every disease. It is just necessary that we increase the capacity of our body, where yoga helps us to do so.
By doing yoga, we associate with nature because we get it done in the open. Maybe not in a closed room such as a gym. By adopting yoga in your everyday routine, you can minimize the health crisis to a fantastic extent.
Dhanurasana or Bow Pose
When you practice this asana, the form of your body becomes like a bow. Hence this asana understands as Dhanurasana. This asana is extremely helpful for the spine and back. This asana will help to decrease the chances of getting hunchback out of your body.
To get the most advantage of the asana, first do Bhujangasana, then do Shalabhasana, then eventually do Dhanurasana. This asana also strengthens the inner areas of the body. All stomach-related diseases are cured by this, and should you want to keep old age and make the body shapely, then do the posture.
Steps of doing Dhanurasana Yoga Pose
Originally, some folks are scared to do Dhanurasana. Because this asana is a little difficult, but if done with regular practice and with the help of a good yoga guru, it is a really useful asana.
- Lie flat on the abdomen in a plain place.
- Keep a gap of 1-feet between your legs.
- Bend both legs.
- With both hands behind, maintain your ankle.
- Now increase your knees while opening the foot outwards.
- Now while breathing, then lift the torso as well.
- See above, together with the neck increased.
- Apply Kumbhak in this circumstance.
- Come in the bow posture completely.
- Don’t wiggle, return slowly exhaling.
- Since you return, do the same on the right side.
How long should Dhanurasana take?
These questions are often asked by many people, how long should you do some asana? See, do asanas according to your own physical ability. Do it for as long as you can easily do it. Because yoga isn’t a punishment such as a fitness center, yoga is enjoyable. Yoga is the real joy of life.
Which posture should be performed after Dhanurasana?
Dhanurasana is a somewhat dull posture since it has an inner Kumbhak. Next, such a posture should be done in which external Kumbhak should be performed that will lighten the body. And your body and mind will become tired.
After this, you should perform Paschimottasana or Mahamudra. You extend the front portion of your body in this asana.
You can learn in-depth regarding these asanas in the teacher training course, if you are planning to become a yoga teacher then you can check out some good yoga schools in Rishikesh and try with 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh to become a certified yoga instructor.
Health Benefits of Dhanurasana
Dhanurasana has many benefits. It’s a really useful asana to keep the body and mind health
- This asana is extremely good for the backbone, it increases versatility within it.
- There should be no gut and uterus-related diseases.
- With this asana, the torso develops, which helps in getting it in great shape.
- This asana is quite helpful for the liver.
- The wrists and arms are strengthened by performing this asana.
- Due to a great deal of pressure on the internal (Intra-Abdominal Pressure) increases, the digestive tract starts coming from the inner.
- This asana raises appetite by intensifying gastritis.
- Very useful for patients with diabetes.
- This posture is very good for women. With this asana, menstrual ailments, all uterine diseases are treated. All complaints linked to ovarian tumors are removed. The heart remains healthy. Girls should not do this asana when pregnant.
As you noticed here that there are many health benefits of Dhanurasana yoga, you can create this yoga pose as a portion of your regular exercise. Additionally, you may also learn more about yoga asana by combining 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India. There is a good deal of things to learn about Yoga Mudra.
Precautions to be kept in mind while performing Dhanurasana Yoga
- People who have high BP problems, do not do this asana.
- Individuals suffering from a hernia, peptic ulcer, and intestinal disease should do so.
- If any current operation has taken place, don’t attempt this posture.
- The pregnant woman should not take action.
- If you have any chronic pain linked to the back or neck, don’t do this asana or do it only by requesting a doctor.
Always do yoga asanas slowly and only by focusing on the breath. Don’t practice yoga in haste and hurry. Do this Dhanurasana just according to your own physical ability. And keep in mind that when you’re in the complete state of the asana, maintain a Kumbhak position at that moment.
Along with this, If you keep wanting to in-depth your understanding of yoga asana, which means you might become a part of 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh.