Share Capital

1. INTRODUCTIONReduction of share capital means the reduction of issued, subscribed and paid-up capital of the Company. The companies reduce capital for efficient Capital Structure Reduction of share capital may arise in various circumstances. For example, accumulated business losses, assets of reduced or doubtful value, etc. Utilising reserves / share premium account against the accumulated business losses can help in the reduction of Capital 2. COMPANIES ACT, 2013While the new Companies Act, 2013 has come into force. Some of the sections including those governing reduction of share capital are yet to be notified. Till then the provisions under the Companies Act, 1956 shall continue to apply. The provisions relating to capital reduction under the new Companies Act, 2013 are as under: 2.1 Power of the company for reduction of share capitalFor a company to reduce its share capital, it should have the power under its Articles of Association to do so. The National Company Law Tribunal (‘Tribunal’) must confirm the reduction effected by such resolution.The company wont undertake any capital reduction if it is in arrears in thr repayement deposits you can peruse more on ” Share Capital Reduction ” here 2.2 Modes of reduction of share capitalThe Act does not prescribe the manner in which the reduction of capital is to be effected nor is there any limitation on the power of the Tribunal to confirm the reduction. except that it must be satisfied that every creditor of the company has either consented to the said reduction. they have been paid off or their interest has been secured. Following are the ways which effect reduction of share capitals
However, in the following cases there is no need to follow the process as provided in section 66,
3.2 Tribunal SanctionNext step would be to make an application to the Tribunal for obtaining the sanction to reduction. Before confirming the reduction the Tribunal shall give notice of the application to the Central Government. Registrar and SEBI (in case of listed companies) and creditors of the company and take into consideration their representations. If the Central Government, Registrar, SEBI or the creditors does not respond in 3 months then there would be no reduction The Tribunal will not sanction the scheme unless :
The company has to deliver the certified copy of the order of the Tribunal to the Registrar within 30 days of the receipt of the copy of the order. Who shall register the same and issue a certificate to that effect. 4. REDUCTION OF CAPITAL UNDER SECTION 242Apart from reduction of capital under section 66, there is another circumstance. The tribunal has powers to pass an order in the case of opression and mismanagement This order may provide for purchase of shares of any members by the company and consequent reduction of the share capital. 5. IMPLICATIONS UNDER INCOME-TAX ACT, 1961 (‘IT Act’)When any company reduces the share capital as per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 by way of reducing the face value of shares or by way of paying off part of the share capital. It amounts to extinguishment of the rights of the share holder to the extent of reduction of share capital. The income received on capital reduction would be taxable as under:
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