Proper Archery Release Aid Techniques That You Should Know
A perfect shot requires a perfect release.

Each bowhunter wants to succeed. We spend a lot of money purchasing the finest equipment and then spend a lot of time with it. Practice only helps if you practise the correct technique and our practise with our release aids is at the top of that list.
The truth is that most bowhunters don’t train all year round to improve their release assistance abilities. You don’t have to, the good news is. With just a little amount of instruction and time you may enhance your release aid abilities. The following technical advice will offer you the fundamental abilities that you need to develop. Follow them, you’re going to shoot more precisely and collect more game!
First Things First
Before we get into the correct release help, I want to highlight a few fundamentals about bow setup and shooting. Spend the time it takes to get them properly and you are laying a strong basis for all that follows.
Nocking Loop
If your release aid is still directly attached to your bowstring, this year you move to a nocking circuit, also called a D-loop. Regardless of whatever kind of release help you are using, a nocking loop provides benefits like significantly decreased centre wear and the potential to enhance nock travel by putting the string angle peak exactly behind your arrow nock. Since 1980, I have used a nocking loop on my hunting bows, and now days I would imagine approximately 90% of the bowhunters doing the same thing.
Proper Draw Length
Next, make sure that your bow’s draw length is appropriately suited to your body holding posture. You may hold your arc in many various postures, but to be the most effective you must utilise your back muscles to retain your arc.
Only one posture utilises the back muscles to grip and release the bowstring the most effectively. The archer has to stand upright, shoulders upright and extend his bow arm and keep his forearm in line with the arrow.
A buddy may verify this simply by standing behind you and watching your holding elbow for alignment. (Please refer to the picture above.) If your elbow matches your arrow, you may hold the arrow back with your muscles in the back and relax most of your muscles in the arm. This makes you very efficient and precise. Holding too much weight with your brain muscles encourages uneven releases, since the releases hand pulls to the side rather than the arrow directly. Adjust your bow’s drawlength setting as necessary until you arrive to this position and your skeleton bears most weight of the bow.
Bow Hand
Put your bow hand in the right position. This is essential to your achievement since your bow hand is in touch with your bow throughout the shooting procedure. It is really the only portion of your body that touches the bow when its arrow passes the remainder of your arrow and flows.
Controlling your arc by grabbing your arc gives poor results. The more our fingers control the bow, the less likely we are to repeat our shot and the less likely we are to reach the goal. So we need to relax our bow-and-thumb fingers to let the bow repeat its mechanical motion freely. Only our thumb pad should have the bow grip. Just stated, a relaxed bow hand produces more consistent shooting.
Release-Aid Management
The brain controls the release aid by holding it. That’s very straightforward; we all know. You and most bowhunters need to know how to utilise your release hand correctly. In other words, you must know how to maintain the release aid to reach your maximum repeatability.
Because the vast majority of bowhunters use strap-release aids with trigger stems that are activated with the index finger, I will devote the bulk of my time to discussing this kind of release aid. However, portable, thumb-activated releases appear to increase popularity in recent years, therefore we will also deal with these designs.
Using an Index-Finger Release
Your release hand must be utilised against what is and is done by most archers. Most archers/bowhunters I know prefer to hold their trigger release such just the fingertip of the index contacts the trigger. That makes logical, since most of them have learnt to fire a weapon.
The use of your very sensitive fingertip leads to a high risk of failure. The density of your fingertips is much greater than the rest of your finger. These receptors are connected to the brain, which processes sensory impulses and makes our fingers extremely sensitive. When a trigger is put in the fingertip or thumb tip, the conscious brain is aware of the “touching” experience; more aware than when another part of the finger or hand touches the trigger.
For many, this high level of awareness is a concern. This “touching consciousness” distracts you from the more essential process of loading your back muscle; it makes the trigger much more significant. For some miserable individuals, this “trigger thought” is so distracting that it is all about which they can think – that is one way of panic. Believe me, this isn’t a pleasant thing to see, as an archery instructor, and much worse.
One approach to prevent this “release dysfunction” is to avoid the trigger. Curl the second finger joint around the trigger instead.
Set the voltage to medium heavy (never light). Create a scenario where you can use some authority to press the trigger while determining your complete holding posture. Avoid the circumstance in which you fear touching it — you can’t be scared! Besides, you can’t afford to have your hunting vacation ruined by a hair trigger. Set the voltage so you can encircle the trigger with the less sensitive parts of your finger and touch it completely.
The index finger should also contact the release aid side or barrel. Shorten the release stem or strap length so that you can hold it this way. Superior, blank-bale practise is an excellent method to master this skill. You may also practise using a seam loop (set at your drawing length) instead of an arc, to make your hand and your thinking processes seem fresh.
Learn to shut or curl all your fingers, not just your index finger. Do this with a mild finger closure, not a hold on death. This tightening or contracting process may then match the contract that should be used in your back muscles to complete your release.
Hold your wrist straight to prevent the strain off your forearm when you reach your hold position. To add another essential tip. This allows more work to be transferred into your back muscles.
Using a Thumb-Trigger Release
Although most bowhunters utilise a release aid for an index trigger, others opt for a thumb release for hunting. Apply the same logic about the sensitivity of your fingertip to your thumb tip and do not activate it. Extend the trigger/button instead, so it contacts the thumb base.
With the trigger slightly extended, you may hold your knuckles and the wrist straight to produce a very efficient hand. This posture enhances your capacity to transmit strength into your back muscles.
Executing With Back Muscles
You can load your back muscles correctly with optimal alignment. With instruction, you may put TRANSFER HOLDING to your back while drawing and anchoring.
With your release hand in the correct posture and back-up started, you may perform your release effectively. You must tighten/contract your muscles until the arrow affects the target long after release – never reduce back strain.
Keep your head upright, chin level, above your backbone. Anchor your release hand so it contacts your jaw gently. Too much pressure between your hand and neck may have uneven effects on the target arrow and left arrow.
Once your holding weight (the rhomboids) shift, the shooting finishes need a slight increase in tension or stiffness of the muscle. This tightening in the back muscles rotates around the shoulder joint by the releasing elbow – the elbow does not move straight away from the objective, as many attempt to accomplish. Your elbow gently rotates in an inclined (about 30 degrees to the horizon) plane and creates a pressure force in your hand that helps activate the releasing aid.
As you tense your back muscles sideways, the finger stiffness in your releasing hand must gradually increase. Slightly tighten your fingers, not just your finger or thumb index. Your back-tight puts a rotating torque on your elbow/arm gripping that, along with your finger-tight effort, pushes and activates the index-finger trigger.
When a thumb trigger is present, the trigger pushes into your thumb bone with your arm rotation and finger tightening. Don’t press your thumb into the trigger; concentrate on tightening your back muscles deliberately until the shot occurs.
Perfect Practice
There is just one thing left: practise! I recommend that you perform a lot of it with your eyes closed near to a blank bale. A thousand shots (35 a 30-day day) are going to get you there. The more you practise, the better. In one session you don’t have to fire hundreds of arrows; instead, do three or four sessions a day. This is where a string is useful – you can practise anywhere instead of a bow.
It is important to keep the bow properly, with the relax arch hand and the release aid appropriately set so that the thumb or finger tip is not use to shoot properly. This covers both bowhunting and target shooting. Doing it properly gives every bowhunter the first shot dependability to make that count.