How to Get Started in Sailing Regattas?

Sailing is a sport that may seem like a complex one, but it is fun and exciting. If you have sailing experience, it is a plus point. But if you haven’t practiced the sport, you can still have a great time racing. To make your sailing activity a fun-filled one, you can follow some of the best tips given below. It helps you to maximize the fun and at the same time learn from your experience.
· Make the Best Choices
Competitions come in different forms, patterns and sizes. They allow sailors to decide regattas based on their experience, confidence and expertise. In general, common regattas are the ideal places, to begin with, and all you need is the usual minimum licences. Some of the types of first regattas to consider include pursuit races, distance races, white-sail divisions and cruising classes.
· Handicaps
Every keelboat racing makes use of a virtual handicap mechanism to allow distinct kinds of boats to take part in the regatta competitively. The majority of the racing in the U.S prefers the Performance Handicap Racing Fleet system or PHRF. However, there is variation in the process in terms of your boat’s make and model.
· Get Well Versed with the Rules
You should be well aware of the rules to take part in the racing competitions. You need to get a copy of The Racing Rules of Sailing in addition to a few books on racing techniques and strategies. There are many books available that clearly explain the rules and regulations of sailing. You can browse online to check out some of the popular books available and go through the user reviews to choose the best book.
· Communication
Use a friendly environment for learning where only easy commands and requests are accepted to communicate. Take one step at a time without heading too fast. Be prepared for everything from breaking bits to ripping sails. Except mistakes to happen as it is a part of every game. If you are a good skipper, you will learn the art of remaining calm and composed. Also, be analytical as it takes you a long way in terms of success and such people are most appreciated and liked. Also, you will have no trouble when looking for a prospect crew or retaining the existing ones.
· Starting Line
You should hold back slightly to ensure that you don’t encounter the worst of the beginning lines. Once you get a hang of sailing and the racing rules and the basic etiquette you are good to go. This strategy works for mark rounding too. Avoid sticking your bow in a crowd and simply do your best. There would be many opportunities to make use of for the race without putting the skipper, crew or boat in danger.
· Practice Makes Perfect
If you are taking part in a sailing race, you can spend some quality time practicing, especially if you are a novice. Learn how to handle the boat and sail trimming. Your main goal is to practice multiple scenarios to ensure you get accustomed to all ranges of wind, especially during tough weather conditions. These are some of the tips to consider if you are planning to take part in sailing regattas.