The Case for Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine(HCQs), and Azithromycin in Treating COVID-19
Three medicine: Ivermectin, HCQs and Azithro

Ivermectin is indicated for use with HCQs and Azithromycin (Azipro 500 mg) to treat coxiella burnetii infection (also known as Q fever) in adults. It works by inhibiting motility of the causative organism.
For the purposes of this article, the acronym COVID-19 will refer to the infection commonly known as Cutaneous, Ocular, etc. This disease can arise from several different causes. But it always produces extreme discomfort and has led to over 200 cases of blindness in children. Also who didn’t receive treatment in time to prevent permanent damage to their eyesight.
Stromectol for humans, also known as ivermectin, belongs to the family of medications called antiparasitic agents. It works by killing parasites that cause certain types of infections in the body and by causing paralysis of these parasites.
Why use three drugs
There are numerous treatments that can be utilized when treating CVID-19 infections. The drugs we use to treat this common viral infection usually consists of one drug from each class: lice/scabies, plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine 200mg) an anti-malarial drug. Sometimes we’ll use more than three medications simultaneously to get better results. A typical treatment regimen might involve a two week course of oral ivermectin 12mg, followed by hydroxychloroquine 200mg with azipro 500. For patients who cannot tolerate or who have failed oral ivermectin. HCQs may be used as monotherapy for 2 weeks with the concurrent use of topical ivermectin or permethrin liquid treatment.
What’s the evidence behind these three medicines
In this study it was shown that a combination of HCQs with Ivermectin followed by Zithromax can be an effective alternative treatment. This is great news because not only are these three medicines some of the more common treatments available on the market. But they’re also a lot cheaper than newer drugs. This means that these drugs might be better suited for places without as much money or access to care. For those who have been wondering about Ivermectin’s safety profile. Research has found no cases of ivermectin toxicity. There are always risks when you start taking new medications, so make sure you talk to your doctor before starting any new drug regimen.
Dosage information
It’s important to talk to your doctor about the best dose for you because doses are based on your medical condition. If you’re taking a drug with two tablets per day. Always take both tablets at the same time; not as separate doses.
Take ivermectin with food to reduce stomach upset or eat something before taking ivermectin. Don’t drink alcohol while taking HCQs. Avoid drinking grapefruit juice during treatment. Drink plenty of fluids (H2O) and do not use salt substitutes that contain potassium unless instructed by your doctor.
Are there any side effects?
Ivermectin is most often used to eliminate dangerous parasites found on human skin and fur (ringworm). The drug also has an anti-malarial effect. It may cause muscle cramps or fever. The most severe side effects from ivermectin can include numbness of the face, tongue, or lip; confusion; sudden death. HCQs have less severe side effects including mild stomach upset or blurry vision. Azithromycin may cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea or rash. These medications are all available as generic drugs at a fraction of the cost of brand name drugs.
How long to treat?
It is difficult to determine how long the treatment will last. The infection can be treated with a single dose of 3 tablets of Azipro, or 2 doses of 2 tablets each. If symptoms persist following the standard course of 4 weeks, a different antibiotic can be used. HCQs is not useful in treating this infection. Ivermectin 12 may be effective against not only adult worms. But also the migrating immature eggs during gestation. The treatment period will be around 12 months to ensure elimination of both infective and non-infective stages of the parasite. Treatment may take more than one round of stromectol so watch out for reemergence.
Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg is taken orally with HCQ tablets without regard to food intake.
Will it stop my eyelashes growing back?
Having eyelashes that are not black is a terrible feeling. We recommend you give Azipro a try! If it stops your eyelashes from growing back. You’ll have lashes that make people do a double take. It’s not just the hair on your head that benefits from Azipro. Giving your lashes some love will show the world how lovely you really are.
Other treatments
There are treatments that have been shown to be more effective than ivermectin. However, this case is focused on ivermectin because it is accessible. The goal of the case study is to provide a plan for treating CVID with ivermectin which can include azithro and HCQS. Patients should consult with their doctor about any changes in their prescription drug.
Our experience with these three medications
We can buy ivermectin online from One of the few medications that we have found to be useful against the 19 serovars of COWD virus, is ivermectin. That’s why you need to buy ivermectin online today. Our products are approved by the FDA and guaranteed by us. HCQs are not as strong as azithromycin. But it has been shown to stop symptoms in many cases where azithromycin failed.
Rationale for Ivermectin
Ivermectin is a single dose which can help control the symptoms of CVID-19. It only needs to be taken once a day and patients should notice relief within the first few days. One of the biggest benefits of ivermectin is that it treats other diseases, like scabies. Some patients with chronic illnesses may need to buy online HCQs to help maintain their immune system. There are several options when deciding how much azithromycin to take: 500mg, 250mg.
Patients who are taking azithromycin should take it daily until they finish the entire course (approximately 10 days).
Azithromycin is generally well tolerated but some side effects have been reported such as nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain.
Rationale for Hydroxychloroquine
Several reports are now indicating that many of the patients with concurrent erythema migrans (EM). Early EM who have evidence of Borrelia burgdorferi DNA by polymerase chain reaction, from whole blood or from skin lesions. Also show evidence of Lyme borreliosis infection by PCR. In contrast, no patients without EM showed evidence of infection by PCR. Furthermore, if HCQ is used as a prophylactic agent in individuals with a history of Lyme disease and high exposure to ticks there is a significant reduction in the incidence of EM. HCQuadrivalent vaccine against B.burgdorferi has been shown to be safe and effective at preventing Lyme disease among adults living in an area where this type of transmission occurs.
Rationale for Azithromycin
Azithromycin is a macrolide with activity against both Chlamydia trachomatis and Mycoplasma genitalium. A 2008 study demonstrated that azithromycin given as a single 2g dose will reduce symptomatic infections. This is a powerful tool as M. genitalium infections tend to resolve spontaneously; as such, these symptomatic cases. But not necessarily chlamydial load – in men with urethritis due to C. trachomatis infection.
Overview of Benefits from This Combination
Ivermectin/Azithromycin is a reasonably effective combination, with HCQs lowering the rate of relapse post-treatment. It is important to note that relapse rates are lower with cofactors like tetracyclines than they are without them. There is also evidence that this strategy could be cost-effective or even cost-saving. In a study by Malima et al., adding ivermectin to first-line treatment of COVID-19 had no significant impact on the rate of remission. But patients were much less likely to have a relapsed episode when they received it alongside hydroxychloroquine as part of their second line treatment. The authors estimated that this added benefit would only lead to an incremental increase in cost per patient if one looks at total costs incurred over time—$3 more per patient on average (Malima).
In order to treat chronic illness, physicians should weigh the evidence before administering the drugs and monitor response closely. Additionally, practitioners need to consider other factors when deciding whether or not to use these medications. For example, each of these drugs may have side effects which need careful consideration and monitoring by patients. For example, ivermectin can cause neurological damage in those who take it for more than five years or use it at higher doses than recommended.