Why 8 Hours Of Sleep Matters

Why 8 Hours Of Sleep Matters
I’ve always heard that eight hours of sleep is the optimal amount of sleep every person needs, but I honestly get around 6-7 hours each night. After about that long, I start waking up and my brain starts thinking… and then I can’t get it to stop. After a while, it’s really just me lying in bed thinking about “stuff.” I don’t think it’s stress, I just think that I get enough sleep and my brain and body are just ready to get on with the day. After a certain point, I guess my body is tired of sleeping. drow names dnd
New scientific research shows that going without enough sleep for more than an occasional day or two can wreak havoc on your health, memory, concentration, mood, and ability to make decisions – even if you think you’re doing fine.
I can recognize the signs of being tired. My brain gets a little duller, I have a harder time understanding and following what I read, and I start getting hungry when I know I’ve just eaten (it’s my body starving for energy because I’m tired I think). When I recognize that, I usually don’t try to fight through it, I do something else or I take a quick nap. Even if I don’t actually fall asleep, the break helps me power through rather than just drinking coffee or soda.
Anyway, it seems like the experts are now confident that 7-8 hours a night is the optimal amount. Sleep more and your waking hours will be more effective.
Make sleep work for you [Fortune Small Business]
Something Active Each Day
A round trip around the nearby lake is three miles and if you were to walk it, takes about an hour or so (depends on how leisurely you want to take it) to get there and back. It’s not a strenuous walk by any stretch and on a nice day you probably wouldn’t even break a sweat making the trip. Each week, my wife and I try to make a trip around the lake on foot at least once, hopefully twice, though our recent biking addition has really incentivized us to explore the nearby area on bike rather than on foot.
Anyway, the walk isn’t what I would consider exercise because it doesn’t leave you tired, sweaty, and panting; it’s just a nice walk that helps you enjoy the outdoors and the beautiful weather… but it is exercise. It burns calories just as if we ran it and doing something active each day helps improve your health even if it doesn’t feel like it.
Think about it, it’s like the reverse of drinking a soda each day. A soda has about a hundred calories in a 12 oz. can and one of the best ways to lose weight, if you drink soda, is to stop. Stop snacking, stop drinking soda, etc. These are all small things that you can stop, here’s a small thing that you can start that can pay off in the long run.
It certainly doesn’t beat running, biking, or hitting the weights at the gym, but it’s something that you can do with a friend or a loved one that can help you two connect better. It’s harder to chat on a bike or while you’re running, especially if you’re not a runner, but by walking you get to chat and sneak in some light exercise.
Do something active each day and you’ll see the benefits.
Mr. Low Body Fat, the newest addition to the Fitness Health Network, has posted the newest inspirational post about Dr. Kal Chinyere (Lost 130+ Pounds!).
JD of Get Fit Slowly wonders if increasing portion sizes are affecting our health, I think they are. As portion sizes increase, mostly for competition reasons (store A has more than store B, store A must be better!), our own minds start to adjust to eating that much. As we eat more, our stomachs expand and we end up needing more food to get “full.” As proof positive, competitive eaters (think Kobayashi or Joey Chestnuts from the Nathan’s hot dog eating contest) will “prepare” for contests by drinking a ton of water so their stomachs expand.
Kevin of Weight Ladder has some good tips for keeping fit while injured.
I agree with Lazy Man, the cookie diet is ridiculous.
Israel of Fat Man Unleashed has lost 4.5 lbs. since last weigh in and his total weight loss since starting the 30-day Isagenix challenge is at 12 lbs.
Read More : getloadedinthepark