How to Become an IPS Officer Step By Step Guide

Are you the one looking forward on how to become an IPS officer? IPS officer is the post that every student dreams of. Every student thinks of becoming an IPS officer at some point in his life. You have to give the UPSC exam for being an IPS officer.
How to Become an IPS Officer
So today, I am going to tell you how to become an IPS officer. According to Wiki Catch to become an IPS officer you need proper guidance with hard work. You can read this article by clicking on the website link. What are the age criteria? What is the education requirement? Does percentage matter? How many stages does the UPSC exam have? How many times can I attempt? How will the physical exam be conducted? How much salary will I get after being an IPS officer? and everything about IPS Officer.
How to prepare for the UPSC exam? So let’s answer you’re every question or doubt for being an IPS officer. Like IPS officers there are more designations you can acquire after becoming an IAS officer. The collector is one of such reputed designations. How to become a Collector is a question to many aspiring UPSC candidates. If becoming a Collector is your ambition in life read the article by clicking on the above link.
Requirement for being IPS Officer
If you want to be an IPS officer you must have to graduate from any subject. You can also participate in the exam if you are in the final year of your graduation. Also if you have any medical or engineering degree you can participate in the exam.
Age Criteria
- If you are a General category candidate your age must have to between 21 years – 32 years
- If you are an OBC category candidate your age must have to between 21 years – 35 years
- If you are SC / ST category candidate your age must have to between 21 years – 37 years
Physical Requirements
- General / OBC: If you are a male candidate you must be 165cm tall and if you are a female candidate you must be 150cm
- SC / ST: If you are a male candidate you must be 160cm tall and if you are a female candidate you must be 145cm
- If you are a male candidate your chest must be 84cm wide and if you are a female candidate you must be 79cm
- Distance Vision: If your eyesight is normal then your distance vision must be 6/6 or 6/9 and if your eyesight is weak then your distance vision must be 6/12 or 6/9.
- Near Vision: If your eyesight is normal then your near vision must be J1 and if your eyesight is weak then your distance vision must be J2.
- For being an IPS officer or IAS officer you must be a citizen of India.
How many times can I attempt the UPSC exam?
- General Category Candidate: You can attempt the UPSC Exam 6 Times.
- OBC Category Candidate: You can attempt the UPSC Exam 9 Times.
- SC / ST Category Candidate: You can attempt unlimited times until the age limit is over.
Note: If you do not go to give the exam by filling the exam form, then your exam will not be counted.
Stages of UPSC Exam
- Prelims Examination: it will be 2 papers of 200 marks (objective type questions). It is conducted to ensure the eligibility of candidates to appear in the Mains Exam.
- Mains Examination: First of all a 300 marks paper will be held (Descriptive type) after giving it you have to choose your language after that total of 8 papers will be held in your chosen language. Each paper will have 250 marks.
- Interview / Personality Test: it is the final stage of selection. It will be a face-to-face interview and you have to give answers to the interviewer’s questions. It will be an interview for 275 marks. They will ask questions for analyzing the personality and knowledge of candidates.
Selection in UPSC
Every year more than 10 lakh students apply for the UPSC exam and in 10 lakhs students around 5 lakhs, students participate in the Prelims exam every year. After giving the Prelims exam, in 5 lakhs students, only 15 thousand students will qualify for the Mains Examination. In 15 thousand students only 2800 students will be selected for the interview. And out of 2800 students, only 800 students get a job. Overall means every year only 800 candidates are selected out of 5 lakh candidates. Means your selection chances are 0.16% out of 100%.
It depends on which post you get after getting selected in UPSC. There are many types of posts in IPS like ASP, DSP, SP, SSP, DIG, IG, DGP, etc.
- Salary of SP: Around 78 thousands
- Salary of SSP: Around 1 lakh 31 thousand
- Salary of DIG: Around 1 lakh 44 thousand
- Salary of DGP: Around 1 lakh 82 thousand
Besides salary, there are many facilities provided to an IPS officer :
- Fully furniture king-size bungalow with all facilities.
- Security guards and domestic helpers.
- Free electricity and phone call facility.
- Official vehicle facility.
- High-level security.
- Retirement benefits and a lifetime pension.
- And many more.
How to apply for the UPSC Exam?
First of all, you have to check that there is any vacancy open for civil services then follow these steps.
Step 1. First of all, go to this link ›
Step 3. Choose the vacancy which you want to apply for and click on “Click here for PART l”
Step 4. Read all terms and conditions then scroll down and click on “YES”
Step 5. Fill your all required information as per your government documents then click on “Continue”
Step 6. Choose age relaxation as per your choice.
Step 7. Choose your document type which one you can upload and also take it to the exam with you and choose your exam center as per your choice and click on “Continue”
Step 8. After that, you will saw the preview of your form then check you’re all your information wisely and click on “Print Application PART l”
Step 9. Then go to the “PART-II Registration” page after that fill your registration code and DOB and click on “Continue” then complete payment any way (Credit Card/Debit Card/ NetBanking/UPI/etc.) you want.
Step 10. That’s it, now just wait for the admit card and prepare for your exam.
Also Read
To note the final thoughts this was all about how to become an IPS officer. Hope I listed everything you were looking forward to sharing this article as much if it was useful.
Good Luck!