Understanding The Major Causes Of High Blood Pressure In Young Adults

So you are 25 or 30 years old and you feel absolutely fit and fine, yet your doctor says that you are suffering from high blood pressure and you need to visit the hospital for regular checkups. It stumps you off, doesn’t it? After all, high blood pressure is something that occurs in the senior years of life. The doctors are of the opinion that young people are more likely to have hypertension as compared to those above 50 or 60 years in age. Sometimes, blood pressure rises in response to unhealthy weight gain, exposure to highly stressful conditions, and unexpected lifestyle changes.
If left untreated or overlooked for a long time, hypertension can result in irreversible damage to the heart and other body parts. There is a steep rise in the number of young people who suffer from kidney diseases, heart diseases, and strokes at a mere age of 30 to 35 years. Therefore, it is not a condition that can be overlooked or underestimated by any means.
Understanding High Blood Pressure
The normal blood pressure figure is represented as 120/80 where 120 stands for systolic pressure and 80 represents diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure is the pressure of blood against the arteries present in the heart and diastolic pressure is the pressure between two consecutive heartbeats. When an individual’s blood pressure rises to 130/80, they are said to be suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure. And if the same figure rises to 140/90, it is known as stage 2 hypertension that needs immediate medical attention. And go for the yoga classes for the best results or reduce your problem thought to Yoga for high blood pressure
Why It Shouldn’t Be Ignore?
Most medical professionals take high blood pressure very seriously as they are aware of its consequences. However, the only drawback to this observation is that most doctors are less vigilant to young adults as compared to middle-aged and older people while treating this condition. Young people suffering from hypertension bear a higher risk for artery stiffening in near future. Some doctors believe that high blood pressure in young adults is an anomaly that rectifies itself without any treatment.
What Kind of Lifestyle Changes Help?
Since a disturbed lifestyle is the root cause of high blood pressure at a young age, it can be resolve by considering important changes in the same. Medication has its own role to play but the biggest part is play by lifestyle improvement.
Major Things That You Need To Focus On
There are two major things that you need to focus on – physical well being and diet. Doctors recommend a minimum workout of 30 minutes per day to improve blood circulation, lower the pressure, and regulate the overall well being of the body. Yoga for high blood pressure is the simplest way to bring things under control. You can perform it in the morning or in the lunch break, evening or even before bed depending on your comfort level. Simple exercises like deep breathing, legs up the wall, alternate breathing, tree pose, and basic Pranayam can help in relieving stress from your mind and body eliminating the basic cause for rising blood pressure.
If that seems too much, you can start taking short walks for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. Most people who opt for regular walks report normal blood pressure within 10-15 days of practice. What you do need to keep in mind is to turn it into a regular habit which means you need to take a walk at least 5 days a week to maintain healthy blood circulation, oxygen circulation, and hormonal activity.
Secondly, you need to focus on your diet. The meal needs to be rich in vegetables and nutritional things. Minimizing salt intake is mandatory for high blood pressure patients. Also, get away from the habit of sprinkling salt on once the food is on your plate. It is one of the primary reasons for abnormally high blood pressure. If you are having fried or junk food every day or alternate day, reduce it to twice a week. If the habit can be turn into a permanent nothing like it.
The Bottom Line
Lastly, find productive and meaningful ways for stress management. It doesn’t matter if you are a student or a professional, you must find healthy ways to manage academic and work pressures. If you let that stress and pressure stay and seep in your nerves, it will start interfering with normal body functions starting with blood pressure.
So Yoga For High Blood Pressure is one of the best option for hight blood pressure and reduce your leave of High Blood Pressure.